Work in Progress Wednesday Block 38 done

OK I am late this morning because I have been unwrapping birthday presents. Jerry gave me  a Wacom drawing tablet! I have yet to use it, but I am itching to play with it. Not only that, but we have a cool change and the temperature is comfortable. What more …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 471 and 472

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Today I would like to share another crazy quilt seam embellishment which is on  block 71 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. As a little reminder this is what the block looks like. The thumbnail will take you to the block. One of the trims added to this …

Introducing Block 71 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Block 71 is a bright awkward colour scheme that looks OK in life but does not photograph well. This series aims to illustrate the hand embroidered seams on my Y2K crazy quilt, block by block. Over the next few weeks I will share articles about the embroidery and embellishments in close …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 469 and 470

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This is a detail (469)of an embellished seam on  block 70 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I used a stitch called Rosette of Thorns and worked in in hand dyed cotton perle #5 thread. It was another simple hand embroidery  treatment because it sat next to a rather …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 468

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This crazy quilt seam embellishment is part of block 70 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. Since this seam is covered with antique lace I did not want to it dominate too much  with a heavy handed approach to embroidery as the lace is lovely enough to sit …

Work in Progress Wednesday Changes!

On Monday when I asked I was pleasantly surprised to find out there are quite a few people who are interested in continuing with Work in Progress Wednesdays. I think we can make WIP Wednesdays more inclusive of other types of stitching projects. The idea started out to encourage people …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 467

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This crazy quilt seam embellishment is part of block 70 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. The seam is covered with antique lace and secured with seed beads. Detached chain stitch in groups of 3 secure the edge of the lace. What is the story? This regular series …