TAST Week 17

TAST Week 17

For TAST week 17 the stitch is French Knots. French Knots are lovely on their own, or as little accents in part of a design. In the sample above I have worked French knots in silk ribbon.

ideas for French Knots sample 2

Many people have a frustrating time learning this stitch, so visit my tutorial on How to work French Knots, as I have some tips there to help you.

TAST Week 17 Beyond TAST

I have selected Raised Cup stitch for Beyond TAST. It is an ideal stitch with which to create small flowers. Raised Cup stiches form the small lilac flowers with a white pearl bead in the middle.

Raised cup stitch on crazy quilting

Have a look at the photo above. Raised Cup stitches form the mauve flowers with a white pearl in the middle, worked with a wool thread. It is a sweet little stitch and I will be looking forward to seeing what you do with it. So take a look at the Raised Cup tutorial and explore the stitch, have fun, and see what you can do.

If you are new to hand embroidery the challenge is to learn the stitch and share what you have learned. If you are an experienced embroiderer, enjoy Beyond TAST and give your work a modern twist. And of course, share it online so beginners can see what can be done with a little imagination.

If you are looking for past TAST stitch challenges the archives are in the Take a Stitch Tuesday category

Where to Share

If you are doing the design challenge you have a month to work on your design and stitch it up.

So the idea is to stitch a sample, photograph it, share it in the Take a Stitch Tuesday facebook group, or use the hashtags #TASTembroidery and #PintangleTAST on Instagram.

If you need more information the challenge guidelines are on the TAST FAQ page.

I hope you enjoy the two stitches this week!

Floral-themed Stitchers templates for hand embroiderers

With this set of stitchers templates, you can create your own floral-themed designs. You can easily combine petal and leaf shapes with the curved edges of the templates to create all sorts of floral and organic motifs. You will be able to create hundreds of different patterns to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers.

templates set 3

The set comes with an e-book with instructions and is filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as jumping-off spots for your own designs.

They are available now in the shop here

Enjoy your stitching!

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