Feather stitch is a wonderfully versatile, decorative, surface embroidery stitch. It is also known as single coral stitch, and briar stitch. Feather stitch is found extensively on traditional English smocks, Dorset embroidery and on crazy quilts.

You can easily give a contemporary twist to the traditional uses of feather stitch, particularly if you use modern variegated threads or add a bead or two. In this sample I added cast-on stitch to the arms of feather stitch

Keep the centre of the stitch on the curved line you want to follow. That way you will find that Feather stitch will easily sit on a curve. This ability to hold a curve, means the stitch ideal to use in any motif that is organic in feel, such as floral sprays, vines, and twisting twig-like stems. It also looks great in underwater scenes, as the flowing lines are very suitable to represent corals and seaweed.

More examples
Here I used Feather stitch on Block 93 of my I Dropped the Button Box Quilt. I worked this sample using cotton perle #5 and I added white seed beads to the arms.
Here a small seam covered with Feather stitch used on Block 77 on my I Dropped the Button Box Quilt. I then added bullion knots. Both the feather stitch and the bullion’s are created using cotton perle #5 thread.

Feather stitch, is here embellished with seed beads and bugle beads.

Feather stitch can vary greatly depending on the width of space between the two tops of Y, the angle of your needle, spacing changes in the length of stitches and regularity of stitches.

It really is one of those stitches you can experiment with for years and still discover new ways of using it. As you can see above, I have worked 3 arms to one side and 3 to the other. This creates a totally different look to the stitch.

In the top part of this sample ( above) I added a detached chain stitch to the ends of the arms. And then I worked a second row of the pattern to create a fill or complex border. You can also work it row against row to create wonderful patterns and designs.

Instructions on how to work feather stitch
When working this stitch, imagine or mark 4 parallel lines with a dissolvable pen.

Bring the thread up through the fabric at the top left of where you want to create the stitch. Hold the thread down with the left thumb and insert the needle to the right, and level with where the thread emerged. Make a stitch on a downward angle so that the needle emerges between the two points, as illustrated. With the thread wrapped under the needle, pull it through the fabric to make the stitch.

Insert the needle to the left and level with where the thread emerged. Make a stitch on a downward angle so that the needle emerges between the two points as illustrated. With the thread wrapped under the needle, pull it through the fabric to make the next stitch.

Work these movements alternatively down the line.

Hopefully, there will not be too many tangles!

Have you seen my Crazy Quilting book?

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results shares detailed practical methods about how to design and make a crazy quilt. From fabric choice, to balancing colour, texture, and pattern, in order to balance and direct the eye around the block. I cover how to stitch, build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be practical and inspiring.
Please note if you buy one of my books via this link as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Yay, another one of my favourite stitches! Not just because of the swedish name, kråkspark, that literally means crow kick. My fingers are already itching to start.
Just wanted to show something I did a few months ago in a simple beaded version of feather stitch:
Pingback: embroidery stitches feather stitch - Studio Paars: embroidery classes
Yay, another one of my favourite stitches! Not just because of the swedish name, kråkspark, that literally means crow kick. My fingers are already itching to start.
Just wanted to show something I did a few months ago in a simple beaded version of feather stitch:
My feather stitch samples in this link
Gak bisa bahasa Inggris
Yay, satu lagi jahitan favorit saya! Bukan hanya karena nama Swedia, kråkspark, yang secara harfiah berarti tendangan gagak. Jari-jari saya sudah gatal untuk memulai.
Hanya ingin menunjukkan sesuatu yang saya lakukan beberapa bulan yang lalu dalam versi jahitan bulu manik-manik sederhana:
Pingback: ,,,TAST 2012 #3: Feather Stitch - Studio Paars: embroidery feather stitch
Pingback: ,,,TAST 2012 #3: Feather Stitch - Studio Paars: borduren feather stitch
Feather stitch for this week’s TAST was a welcome creative break! This stitch is one of my favorites and just in time to start trying out new designs for early spring flowers. https://chasehandcraft.com/2018/02/19/feather-stitch-tast-7/
2018 week 7!
Sharon, as always your work is so exquisitely inspiring!! The piece with the red and hold cloth is so beautiful that I unmediated captured it for my next screen wallpaper as it reminds me of the sea!!
My challenge is stitching on paper.
I am posting once a month. The first 7 stitches are at this post.
Sandy, UK
Here are my feather stitch samples: http://hokkaidokudasai.blogspot.jp/2015/08/take-stitch-tuesday-3-feather-stitch.html
Here is my blog post for TAST Feather stitch. http://sandysnowden.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/take-stitch-tuesday-tast.html
It includes the Fly and Buttonhole, too, as I added to my ‘Slow Cloth’ for these stitches while I got a feel for timing and what to use the stitches on.
Sandy in the UK
This one is my favourite!
Fosted the detached chain, chain stitch, feather stitch and fly stitch
I have finished my little Feather Stitch piece.
This is such fun (even if I am running late!)
Here you can see my feather stitch.
Here comes my attempt of feather stitch.
j'ai fait le point de la semaine 3 que j'ai mis sur mon blog :lebonheurdebroderchezverobrode.over-blog.com merci
a bit late, but here are my week 2 and week 3 samples
I finally uploaded my feather stitch sample, along with some more buttonhole stitch.
I've posted this week's stitch on my blog http://focus-on-fiber.blogspot.com
Finally put my feather stitch on my blog : http://blog.fiberholic.net/2012/01/tast-week-3-feather-stitch.html
http://nipetnapet.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-week-3.html Loved the Feather Stitch, I found it so versatile and fun!
Was just able to finish up week 3 and am just having a blast!
A fellow stitcher let me know that the link to my blog didn't work. Sure enough, she was right. Here is the correct link to my stitching; http://dianem.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/tast-2012-feather-stitch/
Checking in a little late this week! My feather stitches rounded out my first fabric postcard very nicely:
With so many beautiful works this week, I'm inspired even more for next week!
Just a day late 😉
I've finished my sampler stitching and added some feather stitching to my January CQJP block. For a look, here's the link
Sharon, I really like the featherstitch, and I'm especially enjoying seeing all the variations for the different stitches.
I'm late once again, but here is my simple rendition of the feather stitch.
Here's my little bit of stitching for week 3.
I showed already older work, but here is my new feather stitch embroidery http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/feather-stitch-taksteek.html .
I did manage to get a pic of my Feather stitch for week 3. If you would like to take a peek please go here…Thanks Sharon! I am not finished this little block I am doing and was trying to get it done before I posted a pic but at least I wanted to post a pic of the basic stitch before our next one starts…. http://sharon-dancingthruthreads.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-feather-stitch.html
Better late than never right? I finally took a picture of my experimentation on feather stitch. It is a good stitch and so much more could be done with it. I was glad to learn this stitch, which is new to me!
I am sorry that there was no time for stitching this week, but I will show details from an apron hemmed with feater stitch http://ullabritt.wordpress.com/tast-2012/3-feather-stitch/
Here's my version:
My feather stitch
Please forgive me if I have already done this but I have now posted to my blog with week 2 and 3
Also just to say a huge thank you to Sharon for all the hard work she puts into this and the pleasure viewing all the wonderful creations give me.
My feather stitch is here http://nataly-manata.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-2012-week-3-feather-stitch.html
The feather stitch, my absolute favorite. I have to stop myself from letting it control me and try to do other stitches! My feather stitch examples are blogged here: http://karrinscrazyworld.blogspot.com/
Late because a travel …. just in border line I send my TAST 3 in my blog
Thank you
Feather Stitch 🙂
Feather stitch posted here.
Just under the wire for this week's stitch challenge. You can see what I did and why I dwaddled over it on my blog http://dianem.wordpress.com/2012/01/22/tast-2012-feather-stitch/
Just posted my buttonhole and feather stitch sample. I'm enjoying revisiting these stitches and seeing some "old friends" on here!
On my blog http://backvalleyseasons.blogspot.com
Not very imaginative but I am trying to get this sample filled. I also have a give away.
Better late than never. http://airynothing.net/Blogs/anblog/tast-feather-stitch
These are my trials for TAST 2012 for all the three weeks
Not sure what happened to my last comment on htis page – but here goes again
More work on Buttonhole and Feather on my blog
Here's my feather stitch!
I used feather stitch to create some little trees and I also completed my buttonhole tropical scene. Just posted them to my blog at: http://dinkydideequilts.blogspot.com/2012/01/little-feather-trees-and-buttonhole.html
I had a go but there was unpicking involved http://emmelinesplace.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-week-3-feather-stitch.html
I have posted my feather stich motif in my blog.
Feather stitch fun! http://quiltisland.blogspot.com/2012/01/embroidery.html
Please stop by Tuesday Stitchers to see what a collective group of stitchers have done with the feather stitch this week:
See you Soon! ~Debra S.
Finally got my post up on the feather stitch:
My feather stitch journal page is here:
Here's my feather stitch (and my buttonhole from last week – late post). http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/photo/photo/listForContributor?screenName=376898wo2mgaj
Feather stitching in Week 3 🙂
I have finished my feather stitch exercise. You can see it here: http://fabricfusion.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-2012-feather-stitch-und-so-schon.html
Happy Stitching
Yesterday I wrote a post about a few older feather stitch samples:
Today I finished my new samples:
I choose some Aida fabric to make sure I was going to stitch the rows I was planning!
at last ! (almost missed the deadline :0)) feather stitch – done! next one please ………
loving this challenge Sharon ;0)
My experimentation with this week's stitch is here:
Well done everyone, some truely inspirational work again this week!
I missed the first few weeks due to travel, but serendipity has egged me into TAST 2012 🙂
my simple feather stitch – http://artwhiz.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-2012-feather-stitch-cheat.html
Still having fun:
My stitches can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stitchinwoman/sets/72157628705000987/
Here's my Feather Stitch blog post: http://kirajones.co.uk/?p=574 I'm learning loads!
Hi sharaon
Thank you once again.
I have blogged about it here
My this week's stitching is here: http://zemugne.blogspot.com/2012/01/eglute.html
I finally finished my Week 2 – Buttonhole Stitch! Yeah…it took me forever because I decided to try making a sort of stylized flower thingy. I'm afraid it's not the greatest. I definitely need practice doing this stitch–it's not one I use a lot. But, I can see it's potential and it would be a great stitch to have in my library. OK, so I'll do a sampler of buttonhole stitches and see if my flowers improve. LOL. Here's the link to my photo for Week 2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sue_u/6740072273/in/set-72157628709486935
My attempt on feather stitch here — http://easycrafts.blogspot.com/2012/01/feather-stitch-quilted-coaster.html
My sample is at http://www.timelessriverstudio.blogspot.com/ . Thanks Sharon this is a great project.
My latest play with feather stitch: http://tactileartsplaygroup.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/take-a-stitch-tuesday-week-3-feather-stitch/
My newest feather stitch example is at:
Gayle Schipper
I have had to re-learn this stitch as I haven't used it in years. I also had to re-learn that overdyed threads are not colour-fast. Oh Dear!
Hi Sharon, My feather stitch sample is posted on SF
I have really enjoyed doing this
Hi Sharon, from COLD eastern Canada. Check out my featherstitchin' here…. it is definitely my favourite stitch… http://www.linda-hubbard.blogspot.com/2012/01/take-stitch-tuesday-week-3.html
I was rather intimidated when I saw this stitch, and put it off until Saturday. After learning it, I think it may be my second favorite stitch (my top one is still the blanket/buttonhole). What a joy to learn the feather stitch this week!
Had fun putting together a two-page spread in my embroidery journal with feathers I found in the pasture, postage stamps of birds, a journal entry, gratitude list, and the stitching. Here's the link:
This was rather challenging for me… I like the stitch, but experimenting on it is hard. Please see my results on http://www.my-cuddly-quilt.blogspot.com
Hi Sharon, this challenge is very interesting. I posted a few of my variations of feather stitch on my blog here-
thank you,
Here is my bead mandala for feather stitch week 3, I wonder what the next stitch will be ?
Cant wait …………….
you can find my example here………………..
Here is my new additions to the Feather Stitch Sampler:
Just have a look
This week I created a sort of lavender. Here is the link:
I liked this stitch, had fun playing with it.
Embroidered with pleasure all three stitches just as she was on vacation. My job here.
Loved learning this stitch, very soothing to work too. I've blogged here:
I really enjoyed working this stitch . Here is my sample : http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/profile/KimStapleton
I am loving these stitches! Doing my samplers is an interesting challenge! Here is my feather stitch sample:
My feather stitch exercise is on my blog
I am not trying many variations but am certainly enjoying the ones I doo
Hi Sharon and Everyone!
I added some beads. Happy weekend for all!
View my TAST #3 feather stitch here http://www.flickr.com/photos/susie_w/6733724719/in/photostream#/ It is a basic feather stitch. I was surprised to note that the angle of the added leaves created diamond shapes and almost changed the shapes of the feather stitch. Interesting.
I really enjoyed trying out lots of different threads for this stitch and creating a promising background. I even got the page for weeks 1 & 2 finished. What a bonus too, finding all these new blogs. Thank you Sharon, you are a star. Photos are on my blog at http://maggi21.wordpress.com
Bonjour Sharon ,
J'aime beaucoup ce point .
Je l'ai mis en scène sur une petite pochette avec l'aide de la Fée Plume .
Vous pouvez la découvrir sur mon blog : http://foliesdesandrine.canalblog.com/
Bon week-end
Here are some more of my experiments:
Here is my first attempt at feather stitch Sampler:
And here is one I did it on a sari long back:
Ms Sharma
Finally uploaded my feather stitch 1 and 2 – you can find it here: http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/photo/featherstitch1
I've finished my challenge for the week and the result can now be found in my blog: http://wildrosesandblackberries.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-week-3-feather-stitch.html
My feather stitch sample is at http://categetscrafty.blogspot.com
I like this stitch. Very relaxing and adaptable.
My Tast, week 3: Feather stitch is on
and on: http://www.flickr.com/photos/severine14/6730838047/in/pool-56846286@N00/
My Feather stitch samples are at
with a link back to my earlier samples. Also 2 CQJP blocks are posted in Flickr.
pretty stitch.
I directly done 3 designs without doing the trial stitch.
I posted it in my blog
Here is my entry:
Thanks! Emily
Feather stitch and some variations…
I Everyone!
my post for feather stitch. I think its in progresss.
The Feather Stitch will be on my blog in the morning http://focus-on-fiber.blogspot.com
i've added a couple of playful feather stitched "vines" to my project.
My feather stitch interpretation:
Here's my feather stitch!
A really nice and easy stitch this week and the third stitch pleasure!
Bonsoir, Hello every body ! I have just posted my work on Feather stitches on my blog. If you want to have a look, here is it : http://j-en-revais.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-3.html
Here is my Feather Stitch band: http://thatyankstitches.multiply.com/journal/item/260/Take_A_Stitch_Tuesday_2012_Challenge_-_Week_3
I have my combined post for weeks 2 and 3 on my blog this week: http://measi.net/measiblog/2012/01/19/tast-updates-weeks-2-and-3/
Didn't care for the buttonhole, but really enjoyed feather stitch. Funny how two stitches so similar in technique can feel so different when working!
Go here: http://beautifulmetaphor.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-week-three-feather-stitch.html
to see part of my adventures with this stitch. I incorporated it again into a bigger work I'm already embarked on, and had a good time doing it! I do enjoy the surprise each week of a new stitch to either review or learn, and incorporate into ongoing work. And I've been very pleased with the nice people who've stopped by and commented on my blog, an expected side benefit!
Here's my practice for feather stitch: http://suztats.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-week-3-feather-stitch.html
A random layered sample: http://stitchesandwhimsies.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-2012-week-three-feather-stitch.html
Here is my work of this week. All points of this embroidery are feather points, even the flowers and leaves. My daughter Pauline (9 years old) has also done his homework .
Here is my Feather Stitch…http://tyjecyka.canalblog.com/archives/2012/01/19/23273113.html
I've a lot of fun to create this embroidery…now I've millions new ideas to stitch…
My week 3 samples have been shared with the Facebook group and are posted on my Blog at
Hello! this is my sample. thank you for visiting!!
Here's my work on the feather stitch, including shots from an older project of mine. http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-week-3.html Thanks, Sharon.
I decided to make a flowering bush on my March block.
I played catch up this week and stitched the first three weeks worth of stitches. You can see them here:
So much fun seeing everyone's take on the stitches- some incredible work out there!
Had a little trouble with this one I have to say.
This week I stitched a sampler and I took it a little further with a second piece.
I have avoided feather stitch for years, not needing it for CQ. However, I love it!!
TAST is awesome!!!
????? ????????!
??? Feather Stitch/ ??? "??????"
Merci sharon pour ces points . Je viens de finir ma petite pièce que tu trouveras ci : http://petitcoeuramoi.over-blog.com/article-pin-tangle-week-3-97386824.html
Another I enjoyed, blogged at,
Hi sharon, this is my work for feather stitch !
My feather stitch sample can be seen <a href="http://linsartyblobs.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-and-3m.html">here</a>
Thanks Sharon for including my work in last weeks highlights.
My embroidery with all 3 weeks stitch can be found here, thanks Sharon this is a great challenge.
Bonjour à toutes! Voici mon devoir de la semaine! un grand plaisir à confectionner! que du bonheur bisous http://monparadismestresors.over-blog.com/article-take-a-stitch-tuesday-3-point-d-epine-97373979.html
Here I am!
I am working on a new piece for the Feather Stitch, but NOTHING will top my Tessalating Fish Lips from TAST 1.
Thank you Sharon for the challenge, Miss Feather Stitch is born 😉 I like tuesday http://labastidane.fr/journal/?p=1771
Here's my Feather Stitch sample. I had fun with some beads this week:
Thank you!
I was a bit surprised at what I figured out to do with this stitch. Although I enjoy using it–I didn't think there would be much variety that I could do with the stitch. I also realized how close to the buttonhole stitch this is.
Here is my blogpost showing my embroidery: http://cantheleopardchangeherspots.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much.
I'm not so sure I did it right, so I'll probably try more during this week if there's time, but for now, here's what I have so far: http://so-susan.blogspot.com/2012/01/internet-lies.html
Blogged here!
Or check out my facebook page:
Hi Sharon, My week 3 stitching is done. I have posted a picture on my blog for you. Sorry I forgot to add the link last time.. http://northbrookstitches.blogspot.com I hope you like it, Romona
Truly one of my favorite stitches. I had to hold myself back a bit this afternoon to keep from simply decorating the entire rest of my quilt with it!
I got her done! I have added this stitch to two seams on a crazy quilt block. I love this stitch! http://princessbubblescreates.blogspot.com/
Today I made an embroidery with all 3 stitches. I wrote about it here:
I’m sorry I there’s no link to Pintangle, I have some trouble with Blogger after upgrading my browser. I’ll add them later.
Here's my attempt at doing a feather stitch incorporated into a seam treatment on a challenge block I'm doing on one of the CQ lists. I used a variegated green thread from ThreadWorx for the feather stitch, then added some small beaded flowers using 7-8 beads of 3 seed bead colors. The seam is finished off with some SRE leaves. Hope you like it! Here's the link to my photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sue_u/6715060883/in/photostream/
Je viens de mettre sur mon blog les 3 points du mardi
J'aime beaucoup
Merci et à la semaine prochaine
http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/2012/01/tast-week-3.html Another first for me, another stitch and a whole new aproach. Free work for the first time in my life. I really enjoy this challenge because I'm learning a whole new craft this way. And I'm enjoying all that is still to learn as I watch other participants creating the most beautiful work.
I have posted my combined effort for weeks 1 and 2 here:
Now my mind is busy planning for Feather stitch… perfect timing for my present project, but back to my ironing now:)
Another stitch I have used and enjoyed in basic form for many years – 'up and down ' at
I think I'll try adding to it this time. Connie.
Hi Sharon,
the feather stitch sampler I did earlier is posted here.
thank you,
I like the look of this stitch!
Here is my first attempts: http://lostseamstress.blogspot.com/2012/01/feather-stitch-tast.html
I think I'm going to keep practicing and work on something more fancy!
Cannot wait to start stitching. This is a wonderful stitch.
Funny, but I had this feeling this week's stitch would be FEATHER! I had even started thinking about how to use it in my sampler…
many thanks.
Liana D.
Just a little one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24823820@N03/2732556799/
Another stitch I did earlier: http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2008/07/taksteek.html . In Dutch it is the "taksteek". Of course I am going to make something new as well.
I'm looking forward experimenting with the feather stitch again. This is my TAST 2007 feather stitch:
One of my favorite stitches. So beautiful.
Yay, another one of my favourite stitches! Not just because of the swedish name, kråkspark, that literally means crow kick. My fingers are already itching to start.
Just wanted to show something I did a few months ago in a simple beaded version of feather stitch: http://wildrosesandblackberries.blogspot.com/2011/11/wip-feather-stitch-bracelet.html