I have a handful of crochet resources to toss your way this morning as a bit of clean out of bookmarks is going on. There are a number of stitch instructions for crochet published free online. The first is from StitchGuide.com which illustrates directions with drawings and often videos which you can view. Another site that has instructions is the DMC crochet stitch guide which provides illustrated instructions on each stitch. While on the site check out the free patterns that are also available. Also Then there is Crochet pattern central has published a Crochet Instruction, Tutorial and “How To” Directory which not only covers stitches but to name a few topics, also provides information on hooks, abbreviations, bead crochet, and copyright issues.
If you need help with some of the more technical aspects of particular crochet stitches it is available from Marlo’s Crochet Corner. While on the site check out Crochet on the Double lessons and the Freeform crochet section. Bellaonline has an article on Crochet Loop stitch .