Temari balls

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I have always delighted in temari balls particularly as Christmas draws near as many crafters here in OZ make them as Christmas decorations for the tree. They are a great way to use up scrap yarn and they make great gifts too! Japanese Temari explains a little about the history …

Needlework books on Flickr

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Linda over on Chloe’s Place had a gem of a find at the local markets on Sunday. A copy of the Melba Needlework book came Lindas way and she is loading it to her Flickr site. So do check out her Melba set and while you are there don’t forget …

New tutorials online

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More and more bloggers are writing tutorials on how to make or do particular things. Some tutorials are obviously quickly written by inexperienced teachers but others being published are real gems. I think it is worth doing a regular round up of these “how to” posts. I thought that if …

12th Century illuminated manuscript

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BibliOdyssey has highlighted a wonderful late 12th Century illuminated Armenian Manuscript produced in a Lviv scriptorium. The manuscript online in the Digital Library of Poland. It was a week or so ago (I am catching up with blog reading) so do check it out.

Square Boss Stitch

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Square Boss stitch is similar to Rice Stitch and you can easily mix the two in one area. You can really have fun with this stitch particularly if you change threads. You can use one thread or colour for the large cross and another thread of colour for the corner …

What is Scrumbling?

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In response to my post pointing toward Crochet workshop sheets to download Christine asked if scrumbling was suitable for children. I thought it a very good question so decided to expand a little on this morning. I think if the stitches were kept simple and the scrumbles small it would …