Online gallery of contemporary textiles

Fiberarts has featured 6 textile artists who make use of layers to build up imagery. Artists featured in Sampling: A Showcase of Ideas in Layers are Mavin Staub Ambrose, Milisa M. Galazzi, Arlene Gitomer, Lorraine Glessner, Daniella Hefter, Karen Henderson. Check out this online gallery to see some interesting contemporary …

Rare Manuscript Pages online

BibliOdyssey has recently highlighted some wonderful manuscript pages from part of the Digital Scriptorium. The Plimpton MS 296 from the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University is a Spanish parchment manual for calligraphers/copyists was made between 1500 and 1515. These pages are just delicious take some time out …

Illustrated instructions on how to work Shisha Stitch

Shisha stitch is wonderful stitch that has a long and rich history associated with Indian embroidery. Most people have seen little mirrors secured to Indian textiles and for this reason it is also known as mirror work. This form of embroidery has travelled and is frequently found in the traditional …

Germaine Greer’s view of quilting

Germaine Greer has written a piece for the Guardian which will stir a bit of comment among quilters There’s nothing new in this kind of heroic pointlessness; women have frittered their lives away stitching things for which there is no demand ever since vicarious leisure was invented. Greer ends up …