Work in Progress report

Work in Progress report

diamond crazy quilt block


It is time for a work in progress report on my diamond block crazy quilt. As I promised on my declaration of UFOs and WISPs this year I would try and post images of projects as I work them. I keep meaning to take photos but I forget! Anyway I thought it was time to correct the habit.

Regular readers will remember that these diamond shaped blocks are part of a crazy quilt I am working on. I have the blocks pieced and I am in the process of adding the hand embroidery. Once the blocks are embroidered, I  plan to set them in traditional scrap quilt pattern called  a baby tumbling block pattern.

The top crazy quilt block has a spray of silk ribbon embroidery Iris bursting from a cluster of buttons. The larger button is vintage the other two are regular modern plastic buttons. The red lace is hand dyed by me using procion dyes. The yellow orange fabric with a paisley pattern is an old tie that I cut up and used.

Blue purple diamond crazy quilt block


This blue purplish crazy quilt diamond block has spray of bullion knot bud flowers that are tucked into feather stitch stems. The flowers are worked in hand dyed cotton perle # 8 thread. The base of each flower bud is cast on stitch worked in the same thread as the feather stitch. To the middle of each bullion knot bud I added two straight stitches in a metallic thread and stitched a seed bead to the end.

The butterfly and pink/mauve lace are hand dyed using procion dyes and  beaded the lace butterfly which was fun.

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  1. Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for the link to my list of blogs – I’ve just added another 18 blogs from people who found the list through your post. I’m so glad that people find it to be a useful resource.


  2. Wow I love your March Challenge theme. I just returned from a trip to Texas and while there I took lots of pictures. I posted them to my blog and used the title It’s All in the Details. Seems I’m a step ahead for the March block.

    I also love your diamonds. This will be a beautiful quilt.

  3. Hello Sharon,
    I’m justing posting to say thank you for always having something fun, interesting, and unique for ‘us’ to see/read when we visit.

    Your work is so beautiful. And you make it look so easy! That takes away the ‘fear’ of trying it myself. Thanks!

  4. Sharon, these are so pretty! I’m looking forward to seeing what this quilt looks like when it’s assembled. I too love the iris’s!

    Just wanted to mention that I’m looking forward to finding out what the next concept and color palette is! I’m really enjoying the challenge.

    We’re going to spend the weekend with my in-laws but I’m going to try to sneak a peek at your blog on their computer tomorrow.

    I’ll do the DMC Floss match up to your color palette on Monday and post that on my blog. I’m not sure if anyone else finds it helpful to have the DMC floss colors or not but I do it for myself so I like to offer it to everyone else just case.


  5. The top one is my favourite so far. The colours are so rich.

    I’m very behind with my Feb TIF for various reasons but I’m not worried if I don’t complete it before the end of the month. Looking forward to finding out the challenge for March. Thank you for breaking your no blogging on the weekend rule to bring it to us.


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