Work In Progress

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Work In Progress

It has been a while since I have done any sort of work in progress report so this morning I decided to right the situation.

As many readers know over on Stitchin Fingers in the Hand Embroidery group we have started a stitch-along. This is as far as I have got on my band sampler. The tacking stitches are to define the edge of the sampler while I stitch. They will be removed. The white strip of fabric is simply muslin sewn down the side so I can hoop the piece. I would have liked to done a little more but sometimes life is a little busy.

For this stitch along I decided to add to my long band sampler which is currently at 33 ft 2 inches or in metric that is 10.109 meters long. 

I constructed the foundation fabric for this section of my band sampler because the list of stitches included in the stitch along are so varied. Some stitches will work OK on an even weave fabric or Aida but others such as crewel and surface embroidery stitches need a cloth with a firmer weave and will look better if they are worked on something not so grid like because the thread will be able to follow a curve easier.  Since one single type of fabric will not be suitable for all stitches I pieced together a cloth of different types of needlework fabric.

As you can see from the stitch along list of stitches I have worked standard Chain stitch, detached chain, whipped chain and enjoyed experimenting a little with zig zag chain and  feathered chain stitch.

Next I started to experiment with Butterfly chain and discovered it was not on the master list! Never the less I will continue exploring it as its a stitch I have not done too much with before. I did do a little exploration of this stitch last year during TAST and I think it has a lot more to offer. So I plan to continue exploring it as it is interesting.

I am interested in the autobiographical aspects often found in textiles and plan to add a little more text to my band sampler. Hence the stitch along start date and group name.

If you click on the images you will be taken to larger versions held in my Picasa account which if you click on the magnifying glass icon will take you to a larger version again.

As I said I would have liked to have done more but it was a busy month. That said I do hope to be writing one of these work in progress reports a bit more often.


  1. jajajja
    if I’m too busy between my classes and my classes doctorate from the university … but what is less expected that responded so quickly while the other side of the world … I already understanding .. and he placed a message on my blog …

  2. Hello Nelapx! I have not heard from you in long time.
    The sampler is part of a stitch-a-long on the on Stitchin Fingers in the Hand Embroidery group
    It is fairly open stitch-a-long rather than challenge as people can choose to work any number of stitches from the list of stitches, not necesarily all of them, and work on what ever project they choose.

    You can work at what ever pace is comfortable as there is no timetable as such.
    I have details here

    and the URl for Stitchin Fingers is

  3. Hello Sharon. can be as amble will explain how the organization of this activity .. or is it free? or better explain how the new site and then enter names but did not find the instructions of work, or if it is free, or I’m lost ayy

  4. Thelma
    thanks – I know it sounds simple but really all you need to do is select a colour scheme (which can always change as you progress) then start stitching the more you do it the more it ‘ pulls together’ I just don’t change direction too much. The horizontal aspect seems to hold the design together although the odd change is made for interest.

    You are right I did hand dye the fabric.I dyed a heap of different count evenweaves and then piece them together. I used up a lot of small pieces first (part of my clear stash campaign) but the next lot I dye I think I will dye some larger pieces too. So that I have a mix of different sizes, different counts and different colours. In many ways I guess I am applying the design tricks I know in crazy quilting to the sampler – in the sense that I am a great believer in variety adding visual interest.

  5. Beautiful work Sharon…the ideas you have of starting your sampler. I just can’t get ahold of how and what stitches to use for a band sampler…you know what order to use,,,just need to do it I reckon,,,anyways love what you have done.

  6. I love the way you have combined different fabrics in this sampler, Sharon. It’s simply inspired, especially with the hand-dying you did. I am remembering that correctly, aren’t I? You always have such great ideas!

    I’m afraid I haven’t participated much in Stitchin Fingers… I’ll get there!

  7. I concur with Cheryl. This is looking really beautiful, and I, too like the hand dyed fabrics and the way you have put them together very much. It’s a clever way to get in the different kinds of stitching you want to do. Wish I could manage to join you in the stitch along. Alas, so many stitches, so little time. What a nice addition this will be to your band sampler.


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