Sites worth bookmarking: Annies Attic

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Sites worth bookmarking: Annies Attic

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Annies Attic is a site for people interested in crochet, knitting, paper crafts, cross stitch and crafts for children. If you are unaware of the  site do swing by and explore the site.

At first glance it looks to be a standard commercial site but exploring a little deeper leads to useful resources particularly if you are beginner.

Their stitch guide houses information on crochet, cross stitch, knitting, plastic canvas and quilting. The ‘cross stitch’ section houses directions for basic embroidery stitches, including some with video.

Both the crochet and knitting areas likewise hold a stitch guide and some of these stitches are illustrated with video. The Quilting area houses basic information on tools, fabrics and quilt construction and the plastic canvas area houses a stitch guide to some canvas stitches

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