Introducing section 25 on the For Love of Stitching Band Sampler

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Introducing section 25 on the For Love of Stitching Band Sampler

Band 322 brings us to the next section of the For Love of Stitching Band Sampler so it is time to introduce part 25.

However as you can see this photo is section 24 which I worked in 2007. It is the band sampler section I have just finished documenting here on the blog.

I have decided to share the photos again as I wanted to remind people what it looked like.

I want to be able to set the next section in context.

If I just move on to the next part and people see the next strip alone many people will wonder why I call it a band sampler or even a sampler at all!

I am sure when you see the two parts together you can see how my mind moved from this sampler to the next.

As I mentioned when I introduced part 24 of the band sampler, it was something I had started a couple of years previous, and in order for it not to become a UFO I completed it and added it to the strip. In doing so it set me off on another tangent.

As you can see part 24 has bands of stitches set on an angle as you would in a crazy quilt.

While stitching it I thought to myself why not simply include a strip of crazy quilting ans see what it looks like?

That is what I did in Part 25.

Section 25 is a piece of crazy quilting which I made the same width as all my samplers so that it could be attached to the sampler.

At first I thought it might look  a little out of place but surprisingly it does not.

Part 25 is made up of a mix of fabrics. On it you will find  included braid, lace, buttons, beads, silk ribbon embroidery, wool embroidery and even a prairie point!

needlework sampler of hand embroidery

There is a bit of everything on it and this  and the next sampler which is still to come is possible my favourites so far.

Anyway I hope you enjoy seeing this part of the For love of Stitching Band Sampler in detail as I plan to show them to you over the next few weeks.

Sampler FAQ
For the full back story on this piece visit the Sampler FAQ page.

All posts in the series are in the category  the Love of Stitching Band Sampler.

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