Work in Progress Wednesday: Lace crazy quilt block 10

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Work in Progress Wednesday: Lace crazy quilt block 10

One of the advantages of keeping a blog is the public nature of goals set. Last week I said if I was to progress with this quilt I had better push myself a little harder and return to the habit of sharing photos of blocks as I stitch them.

This is the latest block in next crazy quilt which I am calling the Lace quilt.

As regular readers know I blogged the stitching of my Diamond block quilt and the target of at least a block a week really helped push the project along. Reporting in and writing weekly on a set day like Wednesdays can be a bit stressful at times but it does make me aware of what has and has not been done.

I am not sure if this block is totally finished as I might add a button in the top left hand corner on the braid that runs across the block. Where will I put it? I think it will sit between the end of the ric rac and the top of the beaded line of stitches. Why is it not there yet? Well … it goes like this… last night I could not find the pinkish button I wanted to add. I will find it and when I do then I will stitch it on. But it is not a good idea to try and do it at 7:30 in the morning for a blog post!

Added later after finding the button! 

I found the button and added it. Thought I would share so people can see how one element can change things. Once the block is set in the quilt it will be OK too.

Where are the other blocks?  

You will find all the other blocks in the Lace Quilt category



  1. Hi Sharon,
    I'm loving this lace crazy patchwork project! You probably have boxes and boxes of laces, but if you ever run out, let me know, as I have a big box of laces that I am happy to share with like-minded craft people. Whenever I find some lace at an opshop, I always send a length to Pam Kellogg, as you would know she is a lace-lover extraordinaire!
    The last minute addition of the button to this block certainly makes a difference; it was gorgeous before, but the button adds a finishing touch to the whole block somehow.

  2. I absolutely love these lace blocks; they are so ME. I have been staying the last week in a mountain cabin with no WiFi–my sons had to drive down the mountain to find a 'hot spot' to get their mail, so I have missed my blogs. Where can I find blocks 1-8? I have clicked on everything and found a lot, but not those blocks. Thanks.

  3. Pam I embroidered the ric rac with Double threaded back stitch – in fact there is a close up used as one of the sample photos in module 6 of my stitch worksheets. It is very simple yet effective used like this.

    Sharon B
  4. Hi Sharon. I just love the colours in this block and I'm intrigued by the piece of Rick Rack at the top of the block. Did you embroider down the center or does it come like this? So pretty.

  5. Marjolein I added the button – I think you will agree it makes all the difference and I am not worried about the spray of flowers because once the block is set in the quilt it balances with blocks against it.

    Sharon B
  6. I love the light colors on your lace quilt.
    I think you are right about a button on the top left corner. Personally I feel the huge bunch of lovely flowers is too heavy, but perhaps the button will fix that. What about something at the bottom?


  7. Lace quilt block 10 is absolutely beautiful! Stunning and makes me want to see more. Where is 1-9? I can't wait for encrusted crazy quilting class, I must send in my registration NOW.


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