Needlework Detail 621 on the For love of Stitching Band Sampler

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Thank you everyone for your well wishes. It’s not s serious bug just a winter cold/flu and I am almost on the mend. The detail below is an area on my Love of Stitching Band Sampler. It is part of section 46 which is a free form embroidery with an …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 447

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This is an embellished area on block 66 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. This scatter of buttons, charms, sequins and beads tumble into an area covered in lace. The pattern on the lace was picked out in embroidery using perle #12 thread. I used stem stitch and …

Needlework Detail 620 on the For love of Stitching Band Sampler

The detail below is an area on my Love of Stitching Band Sampler. It is part of section 46 which is a free form embroidery with an Australian theme. You can read more about it in the article where I introduced section 46  or click on the sampler for a …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 36 still going!

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Since releasing my CQ stencils my life has gone from being managed nicely, to simply crazy. I was juggling running two online classes and processing orders for my CQ Stencils which are selling wonderfully well. I am not complaining but I have not had a lot of time to stitch! There …

Portuguese Stem Stitch

Portuguese Stem Stitch is also known as Portuguese knotted stem stitch.This linear stitch is a variation of ordinary stem stitch that creates a knotted, rope-like line which can be accentuated by using a heavy solid twisted thread such as pearl cotton. The advantage of this stitch is that just about …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 446

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This is an embellished area on block 66 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. The seam was covered with a commercial soft furnishing braid and then I added some detached chain stitches and beads. It isa very simple seam embellishment that would be suitable for a beginner. What …

Section 46 on the Love of Stitching Sampler

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I stitched this area of my band sampler late in 2009. As I was stitching it I felt this section could have become a mini wall hanging but in the end I kept it as I originally conceived it, as a strip of experimental embroidery. In the previous section of …