Work in Progress Wednesday Block 36 still going!

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Work in Progress Wednesday Block 36 still going!

hand embroidery on crazy quilt block in progressSince releasing my CQ stencils my life has gone from being managed nicely, to simply crazy. I was juggling running two online classes and processing orders for my CQ Stencils which are selling wonderfully well. I am not complaining but I have not had a lot of time to stitch!

There have been a few folks who have written about how they are using my CQ stencils as templates. I thought I would share their links here

So in spirit of Work in Progress Wednesdays I thought I would let people see the stage I am at. As you can see I stopped mid seam to take the photograph!  Progress has been made as the embroidery has started but its slow going. This quilt feels to me to be taking and age!

You will find all the other blocks in this series the Lace Quilt category

Join in Work in Progress Wednesdays and leave a comment

If you have made progress on a large project leave a comment with a link to your site. If you include the http bit of your web address in the comment it will become a link and folks can visit and see what you have done.

The idea behind Work in Progress Wednesdays (WIP Wednesdays) is to encourage people to complete large and/or languishing projects. So if you are in the process of working a large project, share your progress via a blog or public photo site like flickr.

The theory is, that if you regularly report publicly on a project you are more likely to pick it up and work it a little. Even if it means the project is out and ‘looking at you’ for most stitchers it means they will work it a little.

If you want to know more about Work in Progress Wednesdays visit the FAQ

All my Work in Progress Wednesday reports are under that category.


  1. Sharon, thank you very much for adding my link. I wondered why the # of accesses to my blog suddenly increased yesterday. Your templates are so useful. When I am stitching, they are always with me now. Hideko

  2. Hello Sharon,
    Sorry, I am writing on another subject in order to ask you what is the matter with Stitchin fingers. I simply can’t get access anymore. Did “ning” change something?
    I will write also to Mary Corbet.


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