Weaving machinery at the Musée des arts et métiers

The Musée des arts et métiers (Museum of Arts and Crafts) in Paris is one of those museums you will with find absolutely fascinating or just not your thing. If you are a weaver or have done any weaving you will find their display of looms fascinating as they have …

Spanish Feather Stitch

Spanish Feather Stitch Spanish Feather Stitch is also listed in stitch dictionaries as Spanish knotted feather stitch or twisted zigzag chain stitch. It’s an interesting stitch for some; a challenging stitch for others. It creates a wide, ornamental line that can look like a braid, particularly if you use a …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 454

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This seam is to be found on block 68 of the I dropped the button box Quilt. I covered the seam with a commercial soft furnishing braid and added embroidery to the edge. The thread is silk and I used detached chain stitches and pistil stitch. What is the story? …

Detail 628 on the For love of Stitching Band Sampler

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This band on section 47 of my For love of Stitching band sampler which was stitched in December 2009. The sampler is in Christmas colours of reds, greens and gold. This area was a little experiment with sequins Date: This section of the sampler was worked in December of 2009. Size: This …

Work in Progress Wednesday

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I am on the road for 2 months having a  Trip of a Lifetime and will not be writing my usual Work in Progress reports.    However I am opening up this post for those who are working on largish projects can still be ‘accountable’ If you have made progress on …

Raised Chain Band Version 2

There are two varieties of Raised Chain Band you can find a tutorial for the other version here.  Raised Chain Version 2 creates a raised flat surface that looks like knitting! I found this version of Raised Chain Band in the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches Volume 2 How to work Raised …

Introducing Block 68 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Today I introduce crazy quilt Block 68 which is a red-ish autumn colour scheme. On it’s own it looks a bit hum drum but since it is part of one of the darker bands that run diagonally across the quilt it works in its context. If you want to see …