Work in Progress Wednesday

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Work in Progress Wednesday

I don’t have any stitching news or progress to share as I have been a busy with my class, but I hope to have something next week and as You can see I am getting back into my daily blogging schedule again. Next week more news on the hussif as I am itching to sit at it a while.

In the meanwhile I  am opening up this post for those who use the weekly progress challenge to push them towards completing something.

Work in Progress Wednesdays (WIP Wednesdays)  is not exactly a challenge as it is more like a support group! The aim is to encourage people to complete  languishing projects or WISPs (Works in Slow Progress) or completing UFOs (unfinished objects) or those in the process of de-stashing.

The idea is, that if you regularly report publicly on a project you are more likely to pick it up and work it a little. Even if it means the project is out and ‘looking at you’ for most stitchers it means they will work it a little.

So if you have something you want to share please do! Leave a comment below with  link so we can visit and see what you have done. Remember to include the http bit of your web address  as then it will become a link that folks can click on to visit your place online.

If you want to know more about Work in Progress Wednesdays visit the FAQ.


  1. I’m late this week too, family in town.. I did finish the “Prairie” sewing kit I was working on, however. I call it “Prairie” because of the muted soft colors I used. I have another sewing kit cut from the same crazy quilt piece and I’ll call it “Prairie 2”, I’m starting in on that now. I have pictures of it on my blog, here, crazyvictoriana.blogspot.com.
    I enjoy seeing everyone’s progress on their projects.

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