Double Herringbone stitch tutorial

Double Herringbone stitch tutorial

Double Herringbone version 1 is also known as Indian herringbone stitch.

Double herringbone step 1Work by first laying a foundation row of herringbone stitch.

Double herringbone step 2Work another row of herringbone. On every second stitch, slide the needle under the cross bar created by the first row of stitches. This means that the second row of herringbone is woven or interlaced through the first row as illustrated.


This variety looks very effective when worked in two colours but is also the foundation of many versions of woven herringbone, Twisted lattice band being one of them.

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  1. Got a little behind on TAST due to traveling in the latter part of June adn early July but I finally caught up this weekend. Here, you can see my wobbly attempts at Beaded Buttonhole (I simply cannot keep them straight and level, even though I draw lines! AAACK!), Woven Trellis, Double Herringbone (I need to make those places where the stitches cross a little wider in future, I think and herring bone also suffers from my tendency to “wobble” along a line) and Twisted Lattice: http://210920746822434353.weebly.com/my-stitchery-journal/international-hermit-and-stitch-weekend-july-18-20

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