Embroideries that Record History series

Embroideries that Record History series

screenshot of websiteTime to make a cuppa and settle down for a good browse as Ann Bernard over at Stitching Idyllic has been writing a series of blog posts about large public embroideries that record historical events. Most people know of the Bayeux Tapestry but many are unaware of contemporary embroideries that also tell national narratives. Ann has been adding to this interesting series steadily building up a solid story of these embroideries and their cultural significance.

So, take some time out and  pop over to Stitching Idyllic and allow Ann to tell their story to you. I have some links below to provide a few tasters.



  1. Multiple thanks to Sharon for circulating the news that I have/am writing this blog. We all know about the Bayeux Tapestry but the contemporary embroideries of the Battles of Fulford Gate and Stamford Bridge complete the story of why the Normans won the Battle of Hastings.
    Saxon land ownership, aristocratic family lines, Old English language, literature and culture all gradually faded into obscurity.
    1066 was a year that changed the world. Was it for the better, or was it for the worse? Good question! I will leave verbalizing on that to the scholars and historians.

    The Scottish Diaspora is on my list of embroideries to mention. It is good to hear of the important historical embroideries in Australia. Would anyone like to embark on the fascinating project of writing about them?

    Thanks to replies from Marysia and Marylin. No, I did not know about the Bradford on Avon Millenium Embroidery. Many communities in Britain have created embroideries in recent years.

    Enjoy your weekend, Sincerely, Ann

  2. What about The Great Tapestry of Scotland which consists of 160 embroidered panels. Also,The Prestonpans Tapestry and the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry. Both in the same style as they were all designed by Andrew Crummy and stitched by people all over the world.

    1. Marysia perhaps mention them to Ann as she is writing the series and doing the research just leave a comment on her blog. I am sure she would be delighted to hear from you

  3. Oh thank-you so much for sharing this link with us. The history of U.K. is so rich and each event recorded on this tapestry has impacted on our modern world, I sohope they find somewhere to display it in Hastings surely there is a philanthropist or even get a crowd funding scheme going. I would love to see it where the centre of English/French/Norman strategies and power struggles emanated.
    Whilst we were visiting in the U.K. a few years ago now we visited the site of the Bradford on Avon Millenium Embroidery, was a work in progress. There are 12 panels in total some were complete and on display whilst others were still in progress, anyone who was confident was invited to add a few stitches to the work so is truly a work of the people. It is on display – well then in a building attached close to the Bradford on Avon museum society. Each panel represented a century starting from A.D. 1001 and finished with a representation of the millennium celebrations. A remarkable community project. So many: we also saw the Chester mystery plays quilt presented to the ChesterCathedral in 1997. Then much closer to home I have viewed the quilt hanging in the library in Darwin which depicts so many of the traumatic events which have beset that city. Each square created by a different stitcherer.
    Finally closest to home our local RSL in Cranbourne Victoria displayed a quilt made by the local quilting group in centenial commemoration of Gallipolli and the Great War.

    Marilyn Larkin

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