2020 quilt block 15

2020 quilt block 15

2020 quilt block 15Here I am again waving my 2020 quilt block 15 in the air declaring it done!

2020 quilt block 15 unembellishedThis is how the block started out. As I have said before, an unembellished block and finished block looks totally different. As you work a block it changes and many beginners get very concerned about how their block starts out. They worry about balancing tones -r tonal value without enough contrast, or puckered seams and so on. I will let you into a secret, in crazy quilting the embellishments and embroidery add another layer of visual interest this means you can correct and balance things as you stitch. If there are not enough tonal values in the fabrics introduce them when you add other things like lace. Or use highly contrasting threads and laces etc. Anyway, that is my tip. Here is my 2020 quilt block 15, unembellished for all to see.

The pattern for block 15

Feel free to use the basic pattern of my 2020 challenge Block 15 if it appeals to you. My hexagons have 4-inch sides and measure 8 inches across from point-to-point, but you can use this pattern for other sized hexagons too.

2020 quilt block 15 pattern


The 2020 challenge item count

The aim of the 2020 challenge is to use 2,020 different items on a quilt by the end of the year 2020. Items that are the same can be used twice on the quilt but must only be counted once. A counted  ‘item’ can be material lace ribbon etc, an object (such as buttons beads etc), an embroidery technique (thread painting, Brazilian embroidery, ribbon embroidery etc) or a type of stitch (eg herringbone stitch). Seed beads, bugle beads, and regular perle #8 and perle #5 thread are not counted. To find out more about the challenge, you will find the guidelines and list of resources here 

The item tally from previous blocks is 392

  • Fabrics: 5
  • Lace ribbon and braids: 2
  • Lace motifs: 3
  • Thread: 4  shades and thickness of copper metallic thread
  • Silk Ribbon: 3
  • Buttons: 8
  • Beads and Sequins: 4 beads
  • Charms: 3
  • Stitches: 3

Total 35 items on my 2020 challenge block 15

2020 challenge block 15 brings the total of items used to date to 427!

If you are wondering how I keep track of these items I use my studio journal. If you need an organisational tool Janis Stoker of Journeys With Janis has created a PDF printable to help you keep track of what you use in the 2020 challenge. Janis has generously offered to share it and share it with you all! If you can use it for the challenge please do so – you can download this printable here. No strings attached – no email required or anything like that. I would like to thank Janis for making this handy tracking sheet available to the community.

Details of the stitching


2020 quilt block 15 detail 3

As usual in this series links lead to tutorials for the stitches. The first detail I want to share from 2020 quilt block 15 is the side of the block with the button cluster. Beside it is a seam covered with hand dyed lace. I threaded a fine metallic braid thread through holes in the base of the lace. Along the side of the seam, I worked quarter buttonhole wheels in a Caron watercolour thread. The seam below the button cluster has a foundation row of chevron stitch worked in cotton perle #5 thread. I further decorated the seam with detached chain stitches and straight stitches worked in a different metallic thread.

2020 quilt block 15 detail 2

In this detail, you can see how I worked feather stitch in both silk ribbon and cotton perle #5. In the forks of the stitch, I tucked bullion knots and detached chain stitches. For the middle of hand-dyed lace motif I placed a button secured with a bead. The greenish flower motifs were also secured with beads.

2020 quilt block 15 detail 1

On the right side of the block, I followed the print a little when I added small lace flowers that have been secured with a metallic thread. The lower seam was covered with a greenish aqua braid then I added some disk like beads. They are cheap nasty costuming beads but they worked so I included them!

If you want to see my other blocks in this series you can find them under the 2020 Crazy Quilt Category. To find out more about the challenge, you will find the guidelines and list of resources here 

Have you seen my book?

holding my book in front of quilt

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results shares detailed practical methods about how to design and make a crazy quilt. From fabric choice, to balancing colour, texture and pattern, in order to balance and direct the eye around the block.  I cover how to stitch, build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be practical and inspiring.


  1. Have you ever done any lessons about working with lace? How much to embellish, good stitches to use, etc? I have your book and use it often, but I still don’t feel happy with my work. I’d love to see more examples.

    Nancy Larsen
    1. Hi Nancy – No I have not written much about it. It’s a technique I learnt about 20 years ago and explored a bit at the time. Recently have been exploring it again. My next 2020 block has an example worked in cotton perle #8 but I think if I did it again I would use perle 12. Needlelace is fun and I am also working some combined with needle weaving on my current sampler. I am looking for contemporary interpretations while also brushing up on technique. So stay tuned I will share what I am stitching and if people are interested I may write up a self paced tutorial but at the moment its not top priority

      1. Sharon, you’re always so generous with your replies and your suggestions. Thank you. I purchased some of your threads recently, and I’m enjoying using them. I try not to “save them” for later. Again, thank you for being so accessible with your skills.

        Nancy Larsen
  2. Thanks for your hints for beginning stitchers. I always feel my blocks aren’t fancy enough or the stitches are too repetitive. Your comments helped alleviate some stress!!

    Lori King
    1. Lori – dont stress over crazy quilting it is amazingly forgiving and really there are no rules – just look up on it as your place to be creative and take some time out for you.

  3. This is my favorite block and I loved all the others. What is magical is how you’ve transformed and enhanced the 5 fabrics into something so beautiful. It inspires me to want to join you in the 2020 challenge. Your book is my crazy quilting bible!

    Cassandra McGill
  4. As always, beautiful and inspiring. Just wondering about all your beautiful embellishments and how to organize them? Maybe a post with pictures of how you manage that? The process of choosing embellishments must be one of the best parts!

    1. HI Mary – everything is organised by colour because usually when I am looking for something I am thinking ” I need something yellow” or blue or what ever. So I keep all the laces etc in a plastic zip lock bags by colour. Fabric are by colour and so are threads, beads, buttons etc Nothing complicated.

  5. I purchased your lovely to look at book when it came out and have very much enjoyed looking thru it with awe.
    I just discovered this Pintangle.com
    and See another beautiful window into what is possible . This makes want to do more than look !
    Thank you for sharing

    1. Hi Pat I am pleased you have discovered Pintangle and find the book useful. You will find lots of resources on the site under the crazy quilting category and the crazy quilt details category and of course the stitch dictionary. Enjoy the site

  6. The large purple lace motif is so striking. I have to ask–did you choose your base fabrics based on wanting to use the motif, or after sewing the block, did it call out for the motif?

    Pat in OK
    1. HI Pat I had pieced the block when I discovered the lace motif in my stash – a happy chance at that stage but once I added the motif its size sort of dictated the rest of stitching/design. It was quite a challenge!

  7. You have outdone yourself this time! I love your work. This block is absolutely stunning!
    Linda Strunk

    You have outdone yourself this time! I love your work. This block is absolutely stunning!

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