Interlaced Band

Interlaced Band

Interlaced Band using two different threadsInterlaced Band is worked in two parts. The foundation stitches are two lines of Back stitch. Since the stitch is in two parts you can use this to your advantage as the second thread can be of a different colour or a different type of thread. You can use novelty threads and yarns with great effect.

For the lacing journey use a blunt tapestry needle so you don’t accidentally split your foundation stitches. Make sure you lace and take care not to take your needle through the fabric.

How to work Interlaced Band

Interlaced Band step 1Work two lines of offset back stitches. If you need a refresher on Back stitch you can find a tutorial here. When working each row pay attention to where each stitch starts and how it lines up against the the row above or below. Take note that in the illustration the bottom line of back stitches starts. The key to this stitch is to remember to offset the lines of back stitches.

Tip If you use novelty yarns and thread to lace make your back stitches a little larger and work them slightly looser to accomodate the thicker threads.

Interlaced Band step 2A second thread is then laced, as illustrated. Bring the thread out in between the rows of Back stitch. Pass your needle diagonally under the first stitch on the top line. Point your needle to the middle of the foundation rows. With the thread under the needle pull it through.

Interlaced Band step 3
Turn your needle and pass it under the first stitch on the bottom line. With your needle  pointed to the middle of the foundation lines and with the thread under the needle pull it through.

Moving from top to bottom and back continue lacing your thread along the line.

Interlaced BandFor this stitch to looks its best don’t pull the lacing thread too tight. For this sample I used cotton perle #5 for the back stitch foundation rows and I used a knitting yarn to lace.

Interlaced Band is also known as Double Pekinese Stitch. I hope you enjoy exploring it!


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Floral themed Stitchers templates for hand embroiderers

With this set of stitchers templates you can create your own floral themed designs. You can easily combine petal and leaf shapes with the curved edges of the templates to create all sorts of floral and organic motifs. You will be able to create hundreds of different patterns to embroider. It is the ultimate mix and match fun for stitchers.

templates set 3The set comes with an e-book with instructions and filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as jumping off spots for your own designs.

They are available now in the shop here

Enjoy your stitching!


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