Hand Embroidery sampler details 731-735

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Hand Embroidery sampler details 731-735

Hand Embroidery sampler close up detail 735Two dramatic bands on my hand embroidery sampler are 734 and 735. Both are samples of Threaded Arrow stitch. Above is a band where I worked a line of arrow stitch and then a line of threaded arrow. The foundation Arrow stitches on all rows is worked in a hand dyed silk thread that is the same  thickness  as cotton perle #5. I then laced every second line of stitches with a slightly thicker thread.

Hand Embroidery sampler close up detail 734The second is  sample of threaded arrow stitch is 4 rows of arrow stitches that are arranged so that duel row face each other. The foundation thread is a linen thread and blue thread is a crochet cotton.

Hand Embroidery sampler close up detail 731Hand embroidery sampler detail 731 is a small unassuming line of crossed buttonhole stitch worked in a hand dyed silk thread.


Hand Embroidery sampler close up detail 733Detail 733 is an interesting variation of buttonhole called Fancy Bobbin Edging which I discovered in an old book called The Batsford Encyclopeadia of Stitches by Anne Butler. This book was published in the late 1970’s and looks very dated with black and white illustrations that are not always clear but there are some interesting varieties in it this is one of them.

Hand Embroidery sampler close up detail 732

Needlework sampler section 51 eDetail  732 is also Fancy Bobbin Edging  used to couch down some ribbon. The second line is Fancy Bobbin Edging spaced a bit wider. As you can see I was experimenting with it before I realised it looked better with a close spacing and then I hit upon the idea of changing the height of the vertical arms of the stitch in order to create a pattern.

I hope you enjoy seeing these close up details of my hand embroidery sampler which  are part of an on going series of articles here on Pintangle. The sampler is only 6 inches wide but it is 96 feet 5 inches or 29.3878 meters long you can read about why it exists on the Sampler FAQ page


  1. I am always amazed at how you managed to make such simple stitches look so interesting. Will Fancy Bobbin Edging become part of TAST or the Stitch Dictionary? I so enjoy these posts, thank you 🙂

  2. Oh I’ve just re read the length of your sampler.. Whew, I was beginning to think you were just too super human.. No doubt one day it will be 100m long.. I just love that it is also such a personal diary.. I hope one day to claim such an achievement too..

  3. Sharon, you so so inspirational..
    I finally finished my crocheted scarf – took just over 1 year.
    I have 2 cushions, 2 quilts, 1 appliqué bag, .. Oh the list goes on.. Before I can come back to the embellished embroidery sea anaemomie piece I began with you – ahem, a while back.. I just admire how effortless you make your sampler seem. I never say 96 m I say the length of 2 Olympic swimming pools!!
    Wonderous and gorgeous ..

    1. Maureen you are right about reviewing samples I think one of the reasons I like writing these posts is that I often re-discover a stitch that I had forgotten about.

    1. Hi Janie yes I was a little surprised myself at how interesting Threaded arrow is – yet simple and quick to work up. Great for borders too! Pleased you liked it Janie

  4. Lovely to find this today and look back to enjoyable days stitching. now I’m too shaky to do any! Thank you Sharon for lovely memories and some small samplers I treasure. Connie.


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