Sunday morning reading

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Sunday morning reading

It’s raining this morning which means no gardening today. So I have spent a pleasurable couple of hours catching up on blog reading. It seems an age since I just sat and browsed, caught up on the news and generally had a relaxing time online.

Via Dawn I discovered the post crossing project which aims to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world in the mail. Its an interesting and popular project do check it out.

On the crazy quilting front Pam has been documenting a Christmas block she is doing and its very interesting to see it develop. Needless to say reading about her block I am aware of various gifts I need to complete.

I meant to mention that the latest issue of the CQ Mag online is up. There is an article by Julia Camilleri in it. Regular readers will remember that Julia is making a block for the All that Jazz Quilt project. Another contributer to the quilt project is Rissa Peace Root who writes a regular piece on seam treatments.

In the same issue Stephanie Novatski has embellished a denim shirt with crazy quilting and Mary Dyer has been embellishing denim bags. Also there is another selection of finished hussifs. A hussif is a sewing kit. Since Christmas is just around the corner there are some Christmas stockings by Genevieve Tracey. There is considerably more to discover in this issue including articles on techniques, so do check it out.

Via the article on using inks to paint lace I discovered Lam’s Blog which documents work in progress of printing and dyeing fabric, quilting, and crazy quilting.

I was really interested in how people are going with the bags of fun challenge and the Katrina blocks. Alison has placed her bags of fun bag up for sale. Through the week I received Vivian’s Katrina block . You can see an image of it on her blog and images of her delightful little notebook she kept while making it and sent to me to be included with the quilt. It’s really delightful. Annie is still working on her bags of fun challenge and has a huge of selection of fabrics ready for her Katrina block. Do check out Linda’s denim bag as she has really excelled. I think it is going to be one of my favourites as she has used so many different types of embroidery techniques.

Ok that’s inspired me to get up off my bum, shift it to the workroom and do some stitching on the Katrina block.


  1. I have been reading your website for a couple of months and really have enjoyed all the websites that you write about. This time I actually stopped and joined a site, this postcard project. Keep up the great work!!!! You are a lot cheaper than a shrink!!!!!!!

    Joy Wolff

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