I have been Squidooing!

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A couple of weeks back I pointed to Squidoo. Discovering this was fatal I am afraid, as I have been going through bookmarks, this blog and doing a few extra searches and building a couple of my own squidoo link sites. The idea behind a Squidoo list, or what they …

A few more odd links

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I have been doing a bit of a bookmark tidy up which for some reason always leads to more sites. I discovered this brief History of Brazilian Embroidery and on the same site this list of stitches used in this style of embroidery. This Dictionary of stitches used in even …

Pigmy Possums and Chocolates with no calories!

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These Needlelace Chocolates are calorie and fat free and a great contemporary interpretation of needlelace by Jacky McDouall for a Valentine’s Day competition. Olwyn Scott’s Needlelace is an example of contemporary needlelace from Australia. This time the motif is a Pigmy Possum. This is an exceptional piece of contemporary needlelace …

Foiling, printing, stamping and combining flowers with fabric techniques

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I have been poking about the net digging up a little information on surface design techniques for textiles. Here are few links I have dug up. Ruth Issett has provided instructions on using oil and wax crayons on fabric in Make your Mark use Markal Paintstiks to create rich surfaces …

Virtual Flower Gardens

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This little diversion is one of those interactive sites that will have you playing rather than facing what ever you are supposed to be doing. Flower maker is an interactive site which produces flower like images hat can be saved. Once you have your flowers you can incorporate them in …

A mystery piece

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Linda at Chloe’s place is trying to date and track down information about a particularly interesting piece of embroidery she found in her latest museum trawl. Linda does catalogue work at her local museum and has turned up this interesting mystery piece Do check it out and see if you …