Woven Zig Zag Chain

Woven Zig Zag Chain

Woven Zig-Zag Chain

woven zigzag chain stitch ampleAs the name implies, Woven Zig Zag Chain is based on zig zag chain. Follow the link to the tutorial if you need directions or just a quick refresher.

Woven Zigzag chain stitch is a variety of chain stitch that creates an interesting pattern of woven stitches. You work it in 2 stages. First, work a line of zig-zag chain stitch. This acts as a stitch foundation – which, in turn, you will weave with the needle.

Work the zig-zags between two imaginary parallel lines or mark your work with an erasable quilter’s pen.
When you work the foundation line of zig-zag chain stitch, work it slightly loose. Don’t worry, when you weave the stitches, you will automatically tighten the tension on the line.

I have worked the second part of the sample in a different thread so that the weaving is clearly distinguished but normally the foundation and woven parts of the stitch would be worked in the same thread.  The thread used in the sample is cotton perle #5. During this stage, you are not taking the needle through the fabric but using the chain stitch as a foundation on which to weave.

woven zigzag chain stitch step 4

How to Weave Zig-Zag Stitch

Bring your needle out at the base of the first chain stitch. Pass it under the bottom bar of the chain stitch and have your needle come up in the middle of the loop.
Pull your needle through.

woven zigzag chain stitch step 5Turn your needle, and pass the needle under the bar of the chain stitch and have your needle come up in the middle of the loop. Pull your thread through.
woven zigzag chain stitch step 6Continue in this way weaving from side to side and pack the stitches as you go. As you weave, make sure your needle always points towards the centre of the chain stitch.

Work this way until you reach the end of the line.

woven zigzag chain stitch step 7If you work your woven stitches slightly tighter at the start and end of each chain the shape will become leaf-like.


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Have you seen my Crazy Quilting book?

holding my book in front of quilt

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results  shares detailed practical methods about how to design and make a crazy quilt. From fabric choice, to balancing colour, texture and pattern, to help you balance and direct the eye around the block.  I cover how to stitch, build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be practical and inspiring.


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