This stitch is called Zig-zag Chain Stitch but is also known as Vandyke chain stitch. Needless to say Zig-zag chain is a member of the Chain Stitch family.
Zig-zag chain stitch is effective when worked alone or if you stack it sewn row upon row you can build up patterns for borders. As you can see from the sample taken from one of my crazy quilt blocks it also looks great used to secure ric rac!
Work the zig zags from left to right between two imaginary parallel lines or mark your work with a quilters pen that is removed when you add moisture.

Bring the needle up through the fabric on the bottom line and insert the needle back into where it came out and take a bite of the fabric to have the needle emerge on the top line, a short diagonal space along. With the thread wrapped under the needle point pull the needle through the fabric.

Point your needle back into where it came up from the fabric and take a bite of the fabric to have the needle emerge on the bottom line, a short diagonal space along. With the thread wrapped under the needle point pull the needle through the fabric.

Continue along the line working each loop at right angles to the previous loop to create the zigzag line.
If your loops flip up as you enter the fabric with each loop pierce the end of the previous loop. This will ensure that each section of the chain lies flat.

This sample is zig-zag cable chain. It is simply cable chain worked in a similar manner to regular zig-zag chain
My book for creative stitchers

If you enjoy my site you will gain real value from my book: Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs
Feeling stale? Wondering how to add sparkle to your embroidery? I have aimed Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery to be suitable for both beginners and seasoned embroiderers. It introduces techniques to encourage your creative interpretations of stitches. I guide you towards discovering play-points in your embroidery by varying the height and width; by stacking stitches; or by filling multiple rows with the same stitch. With creative variations and demonstrations of tiny tweaks, You will be ready to head off down your own creative path and, of course, illustrated with plenty of eye candy!
Please note if you buy one of my books via this link as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Gracias por compartir estos conocimientos.
My humble Zig-zag chains are here:
Today I wrote about the wrapped coral stitch, I enjoyed it very much:
My zig zag chain is here:
You can find my zig-zag chain here: http://210920746822434353.weebly.com/1/post/2013/07/take-a-stitch-tuesday-2013-stitch-74.html
Hi Sharon,
Your storage ideas are very useful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing. I started this week’s sampler here-
Thank you,
My sample for TAST 74 and a couple of my examples of where I’ve used it in the past are at http://hokkaidokudasai.blogspot.jp/2013/07/tast-74-zig-zag-chain.html
Hi Sharon. My sample for Stitch 74, is here: http://carrementcrazy2.canalblog.com/archives/2013/07/23/27698679.html
I am glad that you are feeling better and able to continue on with the TAST. I so enjoy it! I added the zig zag stitch to my July crazy quilt block.
Here’s my weekly post with old zigzag chain stitches:
I can’t find how to make the ric rack roses you showed how to do.
Sandra here is the link
if ever you are looking for something I have a search bar on the side – I just typed in ric rac and found it
My sample for TAST 73 is now on my blog and I have revisited an ‘old’ stitch too.