Crazy Quilt Block 95 Pattern and Hand Embroidery Details

Crazy quilt block 95 is weird mix of stuff! As readers know when I made this quilt one of my personal challenges was to use my stuff on it since it is a Y2K quilt not only was I drawing from stash but I wanted to find and use 2001 unique pieces of …

Crazy Quilt Block 94 Pattern and Hand Embroidery Details

Crazy quilt block 94 has a different colour scheme – or a different scheme what I normally use.  As regular readers know when I made my I Dropped the Button Box Quilt I pulled everything on the quilt from my stash. Not only did everything come from my stash this quilt is Y2k quilt so another challenge …

Crazy Quilt Block 91

Crazy quilt block 91 is a block in shades of blue gold and burnt yellows.  This block sits in the overall diagonal design of my I Dropped the Button Box quilt. On this block I mainly used a mix of quilters cottons.    There is 8 pieces of fabric used in this …

I Dropped the Button Box Crazy Quilt Block 85

Many Crazy quilt blocks are either brightly coloured or constructed of pretty pastel tones but crazy quilt block 85 is a sober softer coloured block in bronze and brown tones. It is a bit of mish mash of stuff but I like it. When I started this quilt I aimed to …

Zig-Zag Chain Stitch Tutorial

This stitch is called Zig-zag Chain Stitch but is also known as Vandyke chain stitch. Needless to say Zig-zag chain is a member of the Chain Stitch family. Zig-zag chain stitch is effective when worked alone or if you stack it sewn row upon row you can build up  patterns …

Crazy Quilt Detail 410

This seam is on block 61 of the I dropped the Button Box Quilt. It is a row of zig-zag chain stitch worked in rayon ribbon floss which I hand dyed. What is the story? This regularly published series aims to illustrate and document the hand embroidered seams, embellishments and decorations …