Crazy quilt block 86 with the pattern and seam embellishment details

Crazy quilt block 86 with the pattern and seam embellishment details

Crazy quilt block 86Crazy Quilt Block 86 is a warm autumnal toned block in orange and brown tones and sits well next to the bronze brown tones of block 85. The I Dropped the Button Box quilt has the block set to form diagonal lines of colour across the quilt. (You see the quilt at the end of the article)  It was a challenge getting all the blocks to read properly as not only was I trying to have the colours read properly but I  was also pulling all fabrics and materials from my stash at the time.

Each block is 6 inches square. In this quilt my challenge was to use as many different pieces of fabric, lace, braids, charms, and buttons in the quilt as possible. As the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt is a Y2K quilt so I was trying to use 2000 items on the quilt. Apart from sharing with readers what fabrics and items I used on these blocks these posts keep track of the tally too!

Here is the block diagramed out so you can see the pattern. Many people are surprised by the ribbon woven through the crochet lace on the lower right hand side of the block because it does not run along a seam it runs across one! I have often said there are no rules in crazy quilting and this is another example.

Crazy quilt block 86 diagramFabric content on Crazy Quilt Block 86:

  • Piece 1: Velvet
  • Piece 2: cotton under nylon lace
  • Piece 3: A loose weave cotton
  • Piece 4: Silk
  • Piece 5: Cotton ( recycled from a pari of trousers)
  • Piece 6: Cotton ( furnishing fabric scrap)

Item Count Crazy Quilt Block 86:

  • Fabric: 6
  • Lace, braid and ribbon:4
  • Buttons and charms: 7
  • Total items on this block: 17
  • Total tally of items on the quilt so far: 1637

Crazy quilt block 86 pattern

Here is the free pattern for Crazy Quilt Block 86. I hope you find it useful.

The seam embroidery and embellishment details on crazy quilt block 86

Crazy quilt detailThe  first seam is tied herringbone stitch. I threaded the needle with cotton perle #8 and a metallic blending thread normally used in machine embroidery. I threaded them together in the same needle and stitched as I would normally. The seam is about 3 inches long so it was not difficult nor did it take too much patience. I then added tiny sequins to the feet of the herringbone stitches. They are the size of seed beads.

Crazy quilt details 566I covered the next seam with hand dyed crochet lace. The lace had a regular  pattern of holes into which I threaded a rayon ribbon and secured it with beads. The ribbon was not pulled tight but I left it to loop and sit proud of the lace.

Crazy quilt details567To create this seam embellishment using cotton perle #5 I worked two rows of buttonhole stitch about half and inch apart. I then used a metallic cord to lace the two rows of buttonhole before adding seed beads.

Along the bottom row I used some old jewellery findings scavenged from a swap meet (car boot sale). They are in the shape of little flowers so I secured them to the block with sequin and seed bead. Crazy quilting is great for recycling bits and pieces and this is an example of it in action.

Crazy quilt details 568The large button cluster sits at the join between fabric piece 2 and 4. This group of buttons is a mix of vintage and modern buttons and some larger beads.

The next seam I will natter about, is a short seam of about an two inches long and is covered with a brown velvet ribbon. I stitched the ribbon down. Then using a hand dyed cotton perle #5 thread worked five long tail chain stitched in a fan like arrangement. At the base of the fan I added a glass bead. It is not quite as big as pea so it is quite large.

Crazy quilt detail 562The next seam was embroidered with Up and Down buttonhole and then using the same hand dyed silk thread I worked a return row in detached chain stitch. I added the small lace motif over the top of the stitching. The motif is rayon lace, dyed with procion MX dyes, then secured to the block with stitching and seed beads.

Crazy quilt detailThe last detail is a line of Zig Zag Chain stitch worked in bright pink rayon ribbon floss. the seam is only about 2 inches long so the impact is not too harsh on the eye!

Crazy quilt detail 564

I dropped button box quiltThis article is part of a series which you can find out more about on the  CQ details FAQ page. If you want to see the quilt  it is on the same page.

Have you enjoyed this series?

If so you may be interested in a tutorial I have written on how to work decorative crazy quilt seams. The tutorial is a comprehensive tutorial that I converted to a pdf file (a link to the download is in the article. When I converted it I realised how comprehensive it was. At 19 pages of information it is a resource worth investigating! No sign up or anything required its a free resource without strings.

holding my book in front of quiltHave you seen my book?

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results  shares practical methods about how to design and make a crazy quilt. I teach you how to balance colour, texture and pattern, in order direct the viewers eye around a crazy quilted project. I show you how to build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways using a handful of stitches. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be both practical and inspiring.


  1. I really love the autumnal color scheme. I have never thought of placing a ribbon off a seam, thanks for the great ideas, as always.
    You are a true inspiration to me. Grins from NJ, USA ….

    Marianne Squire Maszer

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