Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch

Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch

Diagonal straight and back stitch sounds like a mouthful but it has a nice working rhythm as it consists of one straight stitch then a stitch that is worked back on itself, a bit like half a back stitch. Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch stitch creates a simple, quick fill that works up easily on even weave fabric. When you tension each stitch it makes a pulled thread filling. It looks like faggot stitch but is not as if you were working a faggot stitch you would pass the needle diagonally behind the work. This stitch puzzles me to be honest because it feels like someone was trying to do faggoting but got it wrong and as a result invented a stitch. That said it works up very quickly and can be useful to use if you want cover an area.

How to work Diagonal straight and back stitch

Diagonal straight and back stitch can be used in both surface embroidery and pulled thread work but needs to be worked on an evenweave fabric to look its best.


Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch step 1Bring your needle from the back of fabric move horizontally along 4 threads. Insert your needle and have it emerge 4 threads vertical threads down.
Pull your needle through.

Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch step  2Move your needle up four threads and make a back stitch by inserting your needle at the corner of your previous stitch as illustrated.
Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch step 3Continue in this zigzag manner diagonally down the fabric.

Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch step 4The rhythm is create a straight stitch across, and then back stitch down, a straight stitch across and so on.
Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch step 5Turn at the bottom of the line and work in the same zig zag manner up the line.
Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch sampleWork back and forth to fill the area.

Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch as pulled stitchThe photograph above is Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch worked as pulled stitch. To create this effect you just tug on each stitch as you go. It makes for a very quick pulled thread filling!

I hope you enjoy Diagonal Straight and Back Stitch!


Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery

book cover
Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned embroiderer, my book Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs gives you techniques to encourage a fresh and creative embroidery style. Discover play points in your embroidery. Explore variations in height and width, stacking stitches, or using repetitions of the same stitch to create areas of texture and shape. All these techniques and more will give you creative variations. I have included numerous demonstrations of small tweaks that create big effects to send you down your own creative path.

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