The diamond block quilt inspired by Martha Bingley

Well its looks a tiny result for a couple of weeks work doesn’t it? But when they are laid out it looks like this. As I said in my post the other week this crazy quilt is going to be my big project for 2006 . It is inspired – …

Silliness, exploring, rediscovering old favourites and another 8 inch block

You can tell I am on holiday look at the time! Usually I have post up by 7 it’s nearly 10 here and I am still faffing about! Here is another 8 inch block completed. Since I am planning a few large projects this year and still writing the crazy …

On the Hoop and Online Crazy Quilt Classes to run in the New Year

There has been quite a bit of progress on the block for the All that Jazz Katrina survivor fund raiser. As you can see I am still blocking in areas. As yet the only section that is actually done is the music. It is a real piece of music. Can …

A fundraiser for Katrina survivors that Crazy quilters can participate in

I have an announcement to make as behind the scenes here there has been a lot of activity – emails have been flying, phone calls made and general bustle as people have been contacted and lists have been crossed off. So settle down with a cuppa as I am going …