Introducing Block 75 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Crazy quilt Block 75 is a neutral colour scheme that fits the set of the I dropped the button box quilt. It is part of the light the diagonal line of blocks that runs across the quilt. If you click on the image of the quilt you will see a larger photograph …

A Tutorial How to Hand Embroider Crazy Quilt Seams

ManyCrazy quilting beginners get stumped at the hand embroidery stage of a block.  I decided to write  a tutorial on how to hand embroider crazy quilt seams. You do not have to be an expert stitcher to embroider a crazy quilt block. What you need to do, is  develop the …

Crazy Quilt Block 74 in the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Block 74  has a  bright colour scheme. I think of these ‘brights’ as jewel tones. On its own it looks a bit gah! But it sits ok in the quilt itself. As usual click on the block to see a larger view In the top left corner is a piece of …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 40 done

Yay! I am dancing about this morning as I am pleased to have this block done! This quilt seems to be taking forever and day to stitch but every large project is like that. Towards the end there is a mood of wanting to just get it done. I am …

Crazy Quilt Block 73 in the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

Crazy quilt block 73 has a dominant blue purple colour scheme. It is a pretty block and people seeing the I dropped the button box quilt are always attracted to it. Click on the image of the block to see a larger photo. Fabrics and Items used on Crazy quilt …

Work in Progress Wednesday Block 40 started

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Hi All even thought the Encrusted crazy quilt class starts this week I have started block 40 so have progressed a little. This is the block totally unembellished and I thought you would like to see the ‘before’ picture. I hand dyed the doily and added it in the seam …

Crazy Quilt Seam Detail 481 and 482

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Today I will  share the last 2 details in the series on block 72 of the I Dropped the Button Box Crazy Quilt. If you click on the thumbnail you will be taken to information about the block itself. The first is a little detail is easily missed as the …