Twisted Chain Stitch or Rope Stitch

Twisted Chain stitch and Rope stitch are two very similar stitches. In fact Rope stitch (as seen in the stems of the floral motif above) is simply twisted chain stitch worked closely together in a compact manner along the line. This is an example of Twisted Chain that I worked …

Looped Cretan and Beaded Looped Cretan stitch

Looped Cretan Stitch I discovered Looped Cretan stitch in an old embroidery book by Edith John titled Creative Stitches. It is called Looped Cretan and the beaded version is my adaption which includes adding a bead. It is really useful to know the foundation stitch which is, of course, Cretan stitch. …

Buttonholed Cable Chain and Alternating Buttonholed Cable Chain

Buttonholed Cable Chain is, of course, a variety of Cable Chain stitch and you need to be able to work a foundation of Cable Chain. If you need a refresher my tutorial for Cable Chain stitch is here  Cable chain differs slightly from regular chain stitch, as Cable chain has …

Reversed Buttonhole Bar Stitch

Reversed Buttonhole Bar creates a textured braid-like stitch that is great to use as a textured border or edging. You can use it as a linear stitch too, making it a very versatile stitch to add to the stitches you use. This stitch is also known as Buttonhole with an …

Straight Sided, Crossed and Plaited Feather Stitch

Both Crossed and Plaited Feather stitch have a foundation of Straight-sided feather stitch. So it makes sense to group them together. They are also related to Turkman stitch. As you can see the differences in these stitches is either the angle you hold the needle at and/or spacing. I am …

Twisted Satin Stitch with and without a bead tutorial

Twisted Satin Stitch, with and without a bead are two delightfully simple yet versatile stitches. Both can be sprinkled across an area or arranged in patterns to create fills. Worked in a radial arrangement it creates small flower like motifs. You can work Twisted Satin Stitch in a line with the stitches pointing end …

Buttonhole Picot — 2 Versions

Buttonhole Picot These are two versions of Buttonhole Picot Stitch that I use. The first version — and the one most often documented, has a picot made of a bullion stitch. The second version is easier to work, as the picot is made of three chain stitches. The second version interests …