Chevron stitch is a decorative stitch used in surface embroidery and smocking. Some people consider it a basic stitch that you can use in numerous ways in hand-embroidered projects. The sample above is on a piece of crazy quilting and consists of a row of Chevron stitch, worked either side of a ribbon. You can read more about it on Crazy Quilt block 73.

In this sample, I worked a single row of Chevron in cotton perle # 5. I then stitched dome-shaped sequins in between the feet of the stitch.
How to work Chevron stitch
Work from left to right on two imaginary lines.

Bring the thread from the back of the fabric on the left of the top line. On the same line, move right and insert the needle with the tip pointing left to have it emerge in the middle as illustrated. Pull the needle through to make a small stitch.

Take the needle diagonally down to the bottom line and insert it. Point the needle left to take it back along the line as illustrated. Pull your needle through and take your needle to the right.

Keep your needle pointing left to make the foot of the stitch, by inserting your needle as illustrated. Have it emerge at the base of the diagonal stitch.

Take your needle to the top line and repeat the process again.

Work this way along the row alternating up and down.
Some ideas on how to use Chevron stitch

With Chevron stitch, you can change the spacing of the feet as well as the height/width of the stitch to create some interesting effects. Chevron stitch becomes very interesting when you add other stitches to the hills and valleys. An example is this band of hand embroidery where I tucked three detached chain stitches into the peaks of the stitch.

Working two rows of Chevron stitch creates a grid-like pattern where you can add all sorts of embroidered and beaded elements. This seam detail is from Block 76 in the I Dropped the Button Box quilt.

Two rows give you enough room down the centre line to add quite large items such as novelty beads.

You can also build up row-upon-row of chevron stitch working each row back to back to create an interesting pattern.

You can vary the pattern by working rows back-to-back and tying the foot plate of each row with a single straight stitch. In this sample, I also worked single straight stitches in the space of the chevron pattern, tied with a cross stitch

Chevron stitch can also be stacked to create an interesting filling too!

Chevron stitch worked in cotton perle #5 thread on Block 98 of the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt
Have you seen my Crazy Quilting book?

My book The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results shares detailed practical methods about how to design and make a crazy quilt. From fabric choice, to balancing colour, texture, and pattern, in order to balance and direct the eye around the block. I cover how to stitch, build decorative seam treatments in interesting and creative ways. My book is profusely illustrated as my aim is to be practical and inspiring.
Please note if you buy one of my books via this link as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Pingback: Chevronsteek (Chevron Stitch) • Studio Paars • workshops | blog | shop
I just read about your TAST and can’t wait to go to the beginning and learn these stitches. What kind of cloth are you using here?
Marty see the FAQ for info about the challenge and the list of stitches for this year so far https://pintangle.com/tast-faq/
My samples are here. Thankyou.
Pingback: TAST 2012 #6: Chevron Stitch - Studio Paars: embroidery chevron stitch
Pingback: Isolated Stitches in Embroidery - Beyond TAST
I am stitching on paper as my challenge. The first 7 stitches are at this post. (I am posting once a month.)
Sandy in the UK
PS.I have had a hard time for this to post! this is the 3rd browser attempt.
Here is my chevron stitch sample – http://hokkaidokudasai.blogspot.jp/2015/08/take-stitch-tuesday-6-chevron-stitch.html
I’ve posted about the Chevron Stitch at my place.
Have a great day!
Sherrie I have added your link to your post as many people dont realise if you click a persons name it takes them to their site
Hi Sharon,
Here is my chevron stitch sample:http://stitchingtimelinda.blogspot.ca/2012/03/chevron-week-6-of-tast.html
Had so much work to complete these last few weeks that I am catching up on my TAST stuff….here is my Chevron Stitch
I am finally getting around to posting my week six. Here it is: http://blog.fiberholic.net/2012/02/tast-week-6-chevron-stitch.html
Here are some more of my experiments with Chevron Stitch:
Hope you will have a look at them and leave your comments.
My very late W6- Chevron stitch is here.
Here are my chevron stitch samples:
Here's my chevron stitch! http://www.marriedtoabmw.com/2012/02/tast-weeks-4-6.html
Now I have finnished my Chevron stitch. Still on jeans cloth http://ullabritt.wordpress.com/tast-2012/6-chevron-stitch/
Late, but done and here 🙂 – http://artwhiz.blogspot.in/2012/02/tast-2012-chevron-stitch.html
?????, ? ??????????? ????? ?? 3 ??????, ? ?????????, ?????? ?? ?????? http://nataly-manata.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-2012-week-456.html. ??? ??? ???? ??????? ???????, ??? ????? ???????? ????????? ????? ???? ????!
Hello, I wanted to show you something I made using the stitches from the first 6 weeks of TAST. It is my very first 'free' embroidery, and very nearly my first embroidery ever. I would love to hear comments.
Checking in from the Tuesday Stitchers:
Feel free to visit us!
I've blogged some more herringbone and a bit of chevron on my blog.
Not my favorite stitch but actually easy to do with beads. This really is fun.
again just in at the last minute – but missed your checking :0) Sorry will be quicker next week!
Just posted my Chevron stitch which I really liked but did not get to do much with it other than add beads but I will go back and play with that stitch. Thanks Sharon!
A little late, but I am done with my week 6 sampler and free embroidery piece. Pictures are posted on my blog.
In what must be something of a record, I have put up three blog posts about needlework in the past week. If you visit to look at my TAST samples, look back to check out my needlepoint kimono and red, white and blue sampler.
I enjoyed learning the Chevron Stitch. I used a checkered fabric which helped me keep my stitches even. Here's my link http://quiltisland.blogspot.com/2012/02/leafy-sea-dragons-and-such.html
The week got away from me but I finally got the stitch done: http://thatyankstitches.multiply.com/journal/item/272/Take_a_Stitch_Tuesday-_week_6
Hope you'll pop over to my Blog to see this week's stitching.
Here's my more playful experiment with the six stitches so far
Hi Sharon & Everyone!
Um more "Six in One"
Thank you all 😉
Here's my chevron stitch, combined with the herringbone that I got done last week but didn't get posted: http://so-susan.blogspot.com/2012/02/blockhead.html
Again this was another stitch that I had never done. I'm thankful to Miriam who shared her free chevron stitch butterfly pattern. You can see mine at: http://jennypennypoppy.blogspot.com/
I enjoyed working on my samples for this week. I repeated a few of my herringbone samples with the Chevron stitch to see the difference. I wrote about it on my blog:
My week 6 results:
I tried working chevron stitch with other stitches. my experiments are here.
thanks, Sharon
voici mon point de la semaine 6 merci sharon
It's been a tricky week for getting stitching done but I've managed to grab a few snippets of time. I've blogged about my results: http://kirajones.co.uk/?p=611
I didn't have a chance to experiment much this week, just one example, shown here: http://karrinscrazyworld.blogspot.com/
I am sorry I did not have more time to work on the chevron stitch as it is one of my favourites, but I have worked a corner of my sampler with these orderly stitches.
Hi, I'm showing an old chevron stitch piece here:
My Chevron stitch sampler is on my blog at:
A popular stitch with many variations.
Here is my chevron stitch sampler:
enjoyed this one, thank you
I have posted my Chevron stitch example for this week on my Flicker site. You can see it here http://www.flickr.com/photos/susie_w/ I used the Chevron stitch as the base to create little fans detailing one of the seams on my fan block. Great fun!
Can you believe 3 posts this week? The last one is more herringbone, or double back, to be precise. I am in love with double back pulled thread, mostly.
My miniscule effort with chevron is on my blog. http://maggies-textiles.blogspot.com.au/
I like the look of the chevron when it is repeated to fill in space.
Finally got finished, and after a battle with Blogger, I have managed to post it too!
I have posted my experiments with Chevron Stitch on my blog and on the Filkr site.
Hi Sharon & Everyone!
My happy chevrons and polka dots fabric.
The six first stiches and polka dots fabtic too. I loved this!
First attempt at chevron stitch: http://fanaticalseamstress.wordpress.com/2012/02/11/punto-chevron-y-celebrando/
I am so enjoying TAST! Here is my Chevron stitching:
I've just uploaded week 6 photos. Detail photos are available by looking at the 3 previous photos.
i enjoyed the chevron stitch and my samples/work with it are here:
Sorry, not sure if I've posted here, but this is my Chevron stitch sample
Better late than never; here's this week's post on chevron stitch:
This was my first time doing this stitch — a stitch I enjoyed more than I thought I would.
You can find my embroidery doodles here: http://wildrosesandblackberries.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-6-chevron-stitch.html
Finally catching up. I did a quick sampler for weeks 3-6
Hi Sharon
I've posted my Chevron Stitch piece on http://www.tyketextiles.blogspot.com
Thanks again for the challenge.
Well, it's none of my favorites and probably never will be, but I wanted to try my hand at it anyway. So here is, what I came up with: http://silkandstitch.blogspot.com/2012/02/chevron-stitch-tast-2012.html
My sample block for chevron stitch has just been uploaded: http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/photo/chevron1
Enjoy your weekend!
I post a little landscape made with chevron stitches on:
I am not sure if my comment was recorded , hence leaving a comment again. My beaded chevron stitch can be seen here
Thank you sharon for motivating us with TAST
stitching overtaken by family events but finally getting started, week 2 and 3 will be on my blog 12.2 🙂
Chevron stitch…. difficult for me to work with…. http://6stem5.canalblog.com
This stitch turned out to be surprisingly more fun than I thought it would. I've made a zebra in white on black. You can see it on my blog:
Hi sharon
I tried This stitch with beads and have blogged it here
Thank you for motivating us!!!
Hello, I am new to Pintangle but am enjoying the site to the max.. This is my first time trying to place a comment hope fully I can post this link so you can all find my chevron. http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/photo/tast-week-6-chevron-with-a-twist?context=user
thank you Sharon for starting and running such an exciting site
My Chevron stitches:
If you want to see my weekly sampler, you can have à look on my blog :
For this week's Chevron stitch, I borrowed inspiration from Sharon's seam treatment ideas over on In A Minute Ago, and it came out beautifully! Thank you so much, Sharon, for being so willing to share your knowledge through your classes and websites — it lets a novice crazy quilter like me get results that make my heart sing with joy!
I blogged week 4's Cretan stitch and this week's Chevron stitch here: http://kidsbyhand.wordpress.com/2012/02/10/tast-week-4-6/
My 8 yr old daughter wouldn't let me share her work for the past few weeks – she doesn't like how they turned out. (And apparently feather stitch doesn't deserve to be shared because "it doesn't look like feathers AT ALL, Mom!")
Hi, Sharon. Here are my chevron stitches for this week. I admit this was a very tricky stitch for me, for I found it "lesser" to the stitches previous weeks proposed. The exercise helped cure a bit of that:
here is the link to the photo with notes
I love seeing all the different ways people use these stitches. This is really stretching my creativity – in a good way! Mine is up: http://stitchingwithashimmy.com/2012/02/10/tast-week-6-chevron-stitch/
hi Sharon,
My earlier chevron stitch sampler is here-
Hi Sharon
Week 5 and 6 completed. I have really enjoyed all of the stitches.
I love looking at other peoples work it is so inspirational.
I have posted my work on my blog http://pippaquilts.blogspot.com/
Hope that I have done this all correctly as very new to blogging and trying to link things
Have a lovely day Pippa
My weeks samples are posted at
Hi, this is my sample for week 6 chevron stitch !!
You can see my sample here……………………
Used chevron stitch as a filling stitch –
Our work with chevron stitch is on the following page
it was very interesting to work with this. Tanks Sharon
sorry, I forgot give a link 🙂
so this is my sample – http://alovchany.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-post.html
Thank you for visiting!
Here is my first attempt on chevron stitch.
– preethi.
I've posted the Chevron Stitch on my blog http://focus-on-fiber.blogspot.com
I think I need to have some fabric and thread in hand when I look through everyone's work. Then, when I see something I'd like to try, I can do it right then before I forget and I'll have a record of stitches and combos I like.
Here's my chevron stitch post. http://airynothing.net/Blogs/anblog/2012/02/09/chevron-stitch
You can see my attempts on Chevron Stitch on my blog: http://fabricfusion.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-2012-6aufgabe-eine-mappenhulle-und.html
Trying it for the first time on Aida
and using it on some handmade felt
I'm really enjoying learning and using all the stitches 🙂
I posted my version of the Chevron stitch on my blog http://www.my-cuddly-quilt.blogspot.com and would be glad to welcome you over there.
Have a great day,
Lovely samples Sharon. My embroidery can be found on my blog.
Chevron stitch… too geometrical! A border, a star and finally a flower! It has become an wonderful routine: late at night on Monday I read the post about the stitch, on Tuesday I try it and I am wondering what to stitch, Wednesday I stitch it an on Thursday I post the photo! Happy to be a part of Tast!
Here's what I did with the chevron stitch this week: http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-6.html
I had given my hands a trial of this stitch.
I felt very interested doing it. I had done whipped with stitch also.
Thankyou dear,
I am interested in doing all your stitches.
My trials can be seen at
Sharon, I'm so happy about the way your challenge stitches keep on working their way into my current wallhangings! Chevron was exactly right for the top panel of a three part wall piece, which anyone may see at:
Here are my explorations:
More details on my blog:
I finished my week 4: Cretan Stitch! I had some trouble working with the stich but in the end I managed come up with a cute design:
This is my workfor this Week 6, you can see here :
Have a good day !
This time I created a simple seam treatment with an interlaced chevron stitch.
You can find it here: http://threads-and-patches.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-6-chevron-stitch.html
I played with the chevron stitch.
here is my sample – two variations with one ribbon 🙂
have a nice day!
http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/2012/02/de-steek-voor-de-tast-van-deze-week-is.html Is my second attempt, and I'm really enjoying this stitch. Well, not really second, but some variations on the lines I made erlier. ( http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-6.html )
And I'm really enjoying watching all your blogs and photo's, cannot comment on every entry I see, but I am looking at all in amazement and wonder!
Thank u for providing me an opportunity to learn one more new stitch, here is my trial
http://threadwithme.blogspot.in/2012/02/tast-2012-chevron-stitch.html , which is not a success…
anyway ll work something better 🙂
Mais um pontinho!!!
I just uploaded my version of Chevron stitch on my blog: http://my-cuddly-quilt.blogspot.com
This was a very nice one. Thank you Sharon for organizing all this – it´s lot of fun and I learn a lot.
I have finished my Chevron Stitch sample and put it on my Flickr page. I have also given a link to my 2007 TAST which was one of my favorites.
Having great fun with this challenge!!! Thanks Sharon
Hi Sharon, My week 5 and 6 are done and posted to my blog. I've gone with a Valentine colour theme of pink, red and white with little heart charm adornments.
Thank you to those of you who have commented on my blog. My days are very busy and I do manage to take a quick peek at what some of you are doing, but I never seem to have time to see them all, but what I have are really lovely and works of art.
Thanks so much, Romona http://northbrookstitches.blogspot.com
Her is my first attempt at the Chevron Stitch:
Please do take time to visit my blog and leave you suggestions and comments…..
If you want to see my weekly sampler, you can have à look on my blog : http://www.pintangle.com/journal/2012/2/7/take-a-stitch-tuesday-week-6.html
Thanks again Sharon! I am really enjoying learning new stitches. The chevron is a new stitch to me. I will definitely need some practice to improve upon it. I have posted two pictures of this stitch done on some crazy quilt blocks. You can see them here http://princessbubblescreates.blogspot.com/2012/02/chevron-stitch-for-tast.html
warm regards
This week a textured doodle and 2007 exploring are added to my Sampler …..
http://konnykards-musingsofaseniorcitizen.blogspot.com/ Connie
Here is my sampler for this week.
Hi all,
For various reasons I wasn't able to take part in TAST for four weeks. But now I've caught up with you all! Check out my progress on:http://stitchinfingers.ning.com/profile/JessicaGrimm
See you next week, Jessica
The first time that I have done this stitch so I decided to stay traditional. Not one of my favourites but they can't all be can they? just posted on my blog http://maggi21.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/further-progress/
Très agréable à broder ce point de chevron, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à chercher des idées et des associations avec d'autres points. à voir ici sur mon blog; http://carrementcrazy.zumablog.com/index.php?sujet_id=17128
Had no idea that a chevron has to do with rocks and reptiles – even kangaroos and manatees. More about that and pictures of the chevron stitch on my blog: http://harvestmoonbyhand.blogspot.com/2012/02/take-stitch-tuesday-chevron-stitch-week.html
Thoroughly enjoyed learning the chevron stitch this week!
Time to start looking at everyone's chevron's! Mine are here:
Thanks, Sharon, have a good week.
Sharon here goes my trials on chevron stitch..
I have made a neck design and a motif using chevron stitch and cut beads. Have a look.
Here is the link
Shami Immanuel
Here is the link to my sample for this week..I enjoyed it a lot
My experiment with Chevron stitch is here:
I hope you enjoy.
http://christinaroland.blogspot.com/2012/02/tast-week-6.html For my first attempt on the chevron stitch. I'm very busy the coming days, so more colours and variations will have to wait. I like the stitch but it needs a lot of creative thinking if you want to make variations. Found one, maybe I'll find more. To be continued…
Just wrote a post with a few older Chevron samplers before I start stitching new ones:
Yay! This was my first attempt. http://lostseamstress.blogspot.co.nz/2012/02/chevron.html
I stitched in a circle, and I really like this stitch! Would be great as a boarder!
In the past I designed a butterfly in the chevron stitch. The pattern is free: http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/search?q=chevron . If you want to see it stitched: http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2008/07/vlinderkaart.html .
I also stitched another postcard in chevron stitches http://borduurblog.blogspot.com/2008/07/chevronsteek.html .