Day 3 of 100 details for 100 days

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Day three brings you another 2 seam treatments. The first consists of a row of 3 detached chain stitches worked DMC pearl 8. Tucked between each of those is a small straight stitch. This edges a piece of lace that has been embellished with beads. The second row is also …

Day 2 of 100 details for 100 days

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To my delight and surprise, yesterdays announcement about this series created quite a reaction. I had thought that people would read them and enjoy them but had no idea it would provoke a stitch-a-long. Allison Aller started the ball rolling by jumping in and within hours had her interpretation online …

Huck Embroidery

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Bhavani of Needlecraft has started a series of illustrated tutorials and details on Huck embroidery. Huck and pattern darning is a form of even weave embroidery which has always fascinated me as it is so simple yet produces some wonderful patterning. If you are interested in exploring this form of …

Day 1 of 100 details for 100 days

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I have decided to start a new series of posts which will run for a 100 days. Each day I plan to post a detail of some stitch, seam treatment or embellishment and talk a little about it. I am calling the series 100 details for 100 days. I will …

Iris Folding

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I found this interesting squidoo list on Iris folding put together by Lisa Vollrath who is a mixed media artist. Lisa describes Iris folding as A technique that originated in Holland. Color coordinated strips of folded paper are taped into place over a pattern, creating a spiralling design that resembles …

Departure day for Eve and Palestinian Embroidery

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I am up at some ungodly hour because today is Eves big day and we are waiting for Annie Whitsed of Annies Crazy World to call as she is going to give us a lift to the airport as Jerry is away returning on Thursday. I did however dig out …

A Free pattern suitable for children and adults

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Years ago I taught the young stitchers group at the Canberra Embroiderers Guild and I developed a habit of being on the look out for projects that could be adapted for children. I came across this cute pattern would be more than suitable for adult and child alike. It could …