Chained Bar stitch

Chained Bar Stitch Chained bar stitch forms a solid line, ideal for borders, or you can use it to couch down ribbons, tape or flat braids. Create the foundation of this stitch by first laying down some long straight stitches. Between two to six straight stitches in DMC pearl 3 …

How to hand embroider Beaded Vandyke stitch

Beaded Vandyke stitch as the name suggests is a beaded version of the very popular Vandyke stitch. If you need  to jog your memory directions on how to work it are here. Regular Vandyke stitch is often used as a border which means the beaded version would make a nice edging on …

Long Tail Chain Stitch Plain, beaded and whipped

Long tail chain is also known as long arm chain and Long leg chain!  With all these tails arms and legs you would think we are talking about a beast of stitch but it is not the case. Long tail Chain Stitch is a stitch of hidden talents as it …

Buttonholed Cable Chain and Alternating Buttonholed Cable Chain

Buttonholed Cable Chain is, of course, a variety of Cable Chain stitch and you need to be able to work a foundation of Cable Chain. If you need a refresher my tutorial for Cable Chain stitch is here  Cable chain differs slightly from regular chain stitch, as Cable chain has …

Reversed Buttonhole Bar Stitch

Reversed Buttonhole Bar creates a textured braid-like stitch that is great to use as a textured border or edging. You can use it as a linear stitch too, making it a very versatile stitch to add to the stitches you use. This stitch is also known as Buttonhole with an …

How to hand embroider Raised Cup Stitch

Little mauve flowers of raised cup stitch have been tucked in a spray of flowers on a crazy quilt block. The stitch has been worked in a mauve thread that is a mix of mohair and wool. Raised cup stitch is a fun and quick to work. As the name …

Raised Chain Band Version 2

There are two varieties of Raised Chain Band you can find a tutorial for the other version here.  Raised Chain Version 2 creates a raised flat surface that looks like knitting! I found this version of Raised Chain Band in the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches Volume 2 How to work Raised …