2020 crazy quilt block 12

2020 crazy quilt block 12

2020 crazy quilt block 12 is done!   After a long break with this project I am back to it. To be honest I was very busy last year doing a number of things. One of them was writing another book which is at the publishers. It will come out towards the end of the year.

2020 crazy quilt block 12 Many new hands to crazy quilting worry over the look of an unembellished crazy quilt block.  By the time a block is embroidered and embellished, it looks totally different. So in this series of articles I share a photo of my unembellished blocks so readers can see how they start out. Stitching adds another layer of visual interest and can often pull a block together while embellishing. So, if you are new to crazy quilting, don’t fret too much about how you begin. Just keep on stitching!

2020 crazy quilt block 12 unembellished

The pattern for 2020 crazy quilt block 12

Feel free to use the basic pattern of my 2020 challenge Block 12 if it appeals to you. My hexagons have 4-inch sides and measure 8 inches across from point-to-point, but you can use this pattern for other sized hexagons too.

2020 crazy quilt block pattern

The 2020 challenge block 12 item count

The aim of the 2020 challenge is to use 2,020 different items on a quilt by the END of the year 2020. Items that are the same can be used twice on the quilt but must only be counted once. A counted  ‘item’ can be material lace ribbon etc, an object (such as buttons beads etc), an embroidery technique (thread painting, Brazilian embroidery, ribbon embroidery etc) or a type of stitch (eg herringbone stitch). Seed beads, bugle beads, and regular perle #8 and perle #5 thread is not counted.

  • Fabrics: 5
  • Lace ribbon and braids: 5
  • Lace motifs: 1
  • Buttons: 6
  • Beads: 2 large pinkish beads, yellow flower sequins
  • Charms: 3
  • Threads: 2 multicoloured metalic, purple blue hand dyed silk
  • Stitches: 1 Whipped Buttonhole

Total 25 items on my 2020 challenge block 12

2020 challenge block 12 brings the total of items used to date to 327!

Keeping track of your item count

I have many questions about managing and tracking the count of items, as it’s a bit of a task in this challenge to keep track of what you use. I use a studio journal or notebook. It does not matter what it is called I take a note of each block and what I use as I work the block.

Janis Stoker of Journeys With Janis has  provided a resource that helps with this task. Janis has incorporated all the suggestions I made for things you might count in the challenge and has created a PDF printable.  To help you keep track of what you use Janis has generously offered to share it.  If you can use it for the challenge please do so – you can download this printable here. No strings attached – no email required or anything like that. I would like to thank Janis for making this handy tracking sheet available to the community.

Stitching highlights and details on 2020 crazy quilt block 12

The first photograph highlights a small embellishment made of a gathered knitting ribbon. A bead is stitched at the base of the gathers. Chain stitch worked in a silk thread where I whipped each side, defines a seam of scallops. You can find out how to do it here.

The next detail highlights a line of whipped buttonhole stitch worked in a variegated hand dyed silk thread. I whipped the line of stitches with a metallic yarn. I topped the line of stitches with seed beads.

Finally the last detail from the 2020 crazy quilt block 12 is a line of single feather stitch topped with a a line of yellow novelty sequins in the shape of small flowers. A seed bead is added to the centre of each of these.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my 2020 challenge Block 11.  If you want to see my other blocks you can find them under the 2020 Crazy Quilt Category. To find out more about the challenge, you will find the guidelines and list of resources here 


Stitchers Templatesusing my stitchers Templates set 2

As someone who loves crazy quilting and embroidery, I designed these templates with other stitchers in mind. With my templates, you can create hundreds of different patterns to apply to your stitching and crazy quilting projects. They are easy to use, totally clear so you can position them easily. They are compact in your sewing box.

For more information, see what they look like, find out about the free ebook of patterns visit the information pages in my shop where you can also purchase them.


  1. Sharon! I haven’t looked closely at pintangle for awhile & was delighted to see you’re working on a new 2020 crazy quilt! Also I received your first set of templates some time ago & just ordered your set #2! But I’m really excited about the “twisties” I ordered! Great idea! Will you be restocking the colorways that are currently out of stock? I need to get started on a new set of crazies! Thank you! Gini

    Gini Bellettini
  2. What is the green pleated scalloped embellishment? You’ve probably mentioned it before and I missed it. I love how your blocks have so much detail without looking messy.

    Nancy Larsen
  3. I have a very basic crazy quilt question that I can’t seem to find the answer to. When you piece your block do you piece it to a foundation fabric or just to itself? Do you add batting and backing and then do decorative stitches or do you add decorative stitches before the batting and backing. Or do you not add batting and backing at all? I’ve read several books on crazy quilting and they are wonderful but focus on the block and the stitching and do not address the quilt sandwich or finishing. I love your work and appreciate and help you can give!!

    Louann Woods
    1. HI Louann I piece the block on a foundation fabric, then embellish it with stitching and beading then the batting and backing is last. So it is foundation piecing, embellish and assemble. Traditionally crazy quilts were tied and did not have batting but today most crazy quilters use batting. I do – at the moment the hexagon blocks for the 2020 challenge are a quilt as you go method.In other words I piece the block on foundation fabric – you can see it in this post then embellish then batting, back and bind it. My diamond block quilt was a quilt where I assembled the blocks (after embellishing) then added backing. Full details of the whole process over 5 articles are here
      Hope this helps

  4. Oh wow, how inspiring to see the ‘before’ and ‘after’ versions of this beautiful block, thank-you for sharing this insight, I will keep on stitching, and adding amazing elements. A case of too much is not too much.

    Marilyn Larkin

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