The Raised Herringbone Band is one of those stitches you look at in a stitch dictionary but don’t get around to trying. And then when you do, you wonder why it took so long to explore! Raised Herringbone Band is built up in layers. It looks complex but in fact, is relatively simple. First, a layer of Satin Stitch, then a line of herringbone that is laced. You can change threads and you can also vary the width of the band. Also, you can work the band around a gentle curve. It is a very effective border and quite complete in itself.

It is interesting to work this stitch in different threads. I did a sample with a foundation of gold thread, which looked great, but it was impossible to photograph!
How to work Raised Herringbone Band
This sample has the foundation row worked in perle 8. I worked the herringbone using 6 threads of stranded cotton floss and it is laced with a chenille thread

First, lay down a band of Satin stitch. Satin stitch is in my stitch dictionary — if you need to know how to work it, follow the link to a tutorial.

Next work a line of Herringbone stitch. When working, make sure the herringbone stitches are a little loose as lacing will tighten the stitches.

Lace the herringbone foundation stitches as shown in the illustration.
Bring the needle out at the base of the row. Thread the needle under the herringbone in an upward direction, then move across the crossed bars of the herringbone, turn the needle, and thread in a downward direction.

Repeat this motion under, up and over, and under again-type motion along the line of Satin Stitch.

My tip is don’t pull too tight just relax and lace the threads.

I hope you enjoy Raised Herringbone Band. As I say experiment with different threads particularly at the lacing phase as this stitch lends itself to lots of interesting textures and variety.
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Have you seen my Stitchers Templates?

Create your own designs with Sharon’s easy-to-use stitchers templates. Combine shapes to create hundreds of patterns and designs to embroider. It is the ultimate mix-and-match fun for stitchers of all skill levels. I created them to be as versatile as possible. I include four multi-patterned templates in each set. You will find them easy to use, totally clear to help you position them on your work, and they are nice and compact to fit in your sewing box. Each set comes with an e-book filled with patterns and designs that you can create and use as a jumping-off spot for your own designs. They are available now in our shop here!
Happy stitching!
This was such a fun stitch to try out. My trials are here.
Both my cameras have broken down, so I’m not able to post. However, I still follow as much of these wonderful projects as I can. But, I have to say that, although I appreciate the creativity of individual sites, I find those who have “Stitchin Finger” sites much easier to follow and respond to. Only 1 longon, 1 password, no verification. So, although I look at and admire everyone’s work, I may only comment to those posting to their accounts on “Stitchen Finger.” Good stitching to all! Laurel
I tried a spiders web for this stitch. Metallic thread is always tricky to work with but seemed appropriate in this case!
here is my contribution for this stitch
Here’s my cloth to date for 2013.
I hope they catch the thief. An awful feeling of personal invasion when your bag is snatched. I hope no one was endangered.
I’m happy to say I like this stitch now! I wrote about my experiments on my blog:
And I wrote a tutorial for a variation, a raised twisted lattice band:
I’m very sorry about the theft of your bag!
I added this decorative stitch to my stitch book: http://fabricfusion.blogspot.co.at/2013/02/verfuhrt-seduded-tast-51.html
I sure hope they found the thief and your property. I know how you feel as my purse/handbag was stolen when we lived in London and it had ALL my ID in it, on a holiday week, when the Embassy was closed and their computer system wasn’t working. That stolen passport still haunts me 30 years later when I have to go through customs/immigration here in the US.
Here is my stab at Raised Herringbone: http://210920746822434353.weebly.com/index.html
Hi Sharon,
Sorry for your loss of valuble things. you are really great to think about this challenge at this moment. you are a fine person.
Thank you,
my experiments-
Good evening, everyone! I am sorry to hear about the theft. I hope you were able to cancel everything before someone used the credit cards.
The following is my stitch 51 sample. Take care, okay?
Sharon, so sorry about your bag…
my post for stitch 51.
Tank you all
Hello Sharon
I am so sorry to ear about yourbag. I hope it’s end well.
This year, I’ll try to do a stitch book with the tast stitches. Here are the first stitches:
I have given the wrong link. Sorry. My correct link for the sample is here:
Rotten luck about the bag Sharon.
My sample is on my blog.
So sorry about the theft. Sometimes it ends well – I am hoping for you.
I like the new stitch 51.
Sorry to hear about the theft. I hope you will get everything back soon.Happy to learn new stitches and my trials are here
Despite being bummed out over the theft, I was able to have fun making a motif from the Raised Herringbone Band. Let’s call it a chameleon. Also posted is a section of the sampler that includes the 3 previous stitches.
Sorry to hear about the theft. What a to-do.
Here is my little effort which I really enjoyed doing 🙂
Oh dear – that’s really bad news – I hope some if not all of it is found again (yes I know slim chance but I do hope it for you)
My TAST project is the 4th down on my update post: http://magicalquilts.blogspot.nl/2013/02/finish-it-in-2013-project-january.html
There was just enough space on my sampler band for 3 x Raised Herringbone Band:
I have posted my sample to my blog, along with how I worked the variations http://carorose.typepad.com/my_weblog/2013/02/tast.html and added the image to the Flickr group.http://www.flickr.com/photos/carorose/8452871900/in/pool-56846286@N00/
So sorry to hear your bag was stolen. I remember the awful sinking feeling I had when my wallet was stolen. Such a hassle to stop all the credit cards and get them re-issued. I lost a lot of identification items, too. I hope at least some of the items are found and returned to you.
What a terrible thing to happen to you. It must be very stressful for you at this time, so thank you so much for still thinking of us.
Sorry to hear about the theft of your hand bag.
Best Wishes Doreen.
Something other than a sample!
I just felt like a change . Here’s the start of adding my stitches.
how awful for you Sharon.
Hope you get everything replaced as soon as possible.
Yet you still think of us.
Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear about the theft! That sucks! Thank you for still doing the TAST this week. My take on it can be seen at http://princessbubblescreates.blogspot.ca/
So sorry to read about your robbery. It can be such a bind when this kind of things happens. I hope that you get it sorted out quickly. Take care and my thoughts are with you.
How terrible, I’m so sorry for you. Like Carolyn I hope you get your things back.
Here’s my weekly post with old stitches:
hello Sharon,
really sorry to read that your bag was stolen.
I hope you get it back soon.
sorry to hear about your bag Sharon, credit cards can be replaced but I am sure you had personal things in there too which mean so much to you.I suppose there is not much chance of it being found but maybe you will be lucky, the valuables would have gone but other things could come back to you.
What a co-incedence dear. Me too last my camara, so not able to post my week stitch 49 and 50. I finished it. Soon i will get a new camara and upload it. I am happy following your TAST.
What rotten luck, Sharon. I do hope you get your things back!
Oh, I’m so sorry about your bag. I hope you are able to keep the hassle to a minimum and suffer no serious consequences from the loss.
I am so sorry to hear about the theft. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get everything back.
Trust you to have a back-up stitch for us.
Best wishes.
OMG, that is one of my worst fears. Sharron I am so sorry, I do hope you get your things back. (I’m off to photocopy the contents of my wallet.)