Crazy quilt stitch along Tumbling block 6

Tumbling block 6 sits in the middle of the top section of the ‘Diamonds are Forever’ quilt. You can download the patterns for the three diamonds that make up tumbling block 6. Here is light tone diamond 1. The mid tone diamond 2 , and the dark tone diamond 3 …

Crazy quilt stitch along Tumbling block 5

Tumbling block 5 is really a tumbling block and a third. If you look where we are on the Diamonds are forever quilt you can see that this month we have a block and half to stitch. This extra diamond maintains the tumbling block pattern. If you take a look …

Crazy quilt stitch along Tumbling block 4

Tumbling Block 4 is part of a series that offers a free block pattern and descriptions of crazy quilting techniques used. Published every month, this article is part of the Diamonds are Forever crazy quilt stitch along. You can download the pattern for the three diamonds that make up tumbling …

Second tumbling block in the Crazy quilt stitch along

The Second tumbling block in my block of the month is to be found in the top left hand corner in the top row of my Diamonds are Forever Crazy quilt. I have included a photo of the quilt so people get a sense of where they are headed. The …

Diamonds are forever Crazy quilt stitch along

Welcome to my Diamonds are Forever Crazy quilt stitch along. Block 1 is the start of our journey together. I hope you enjoy it as much as I think you will. This is the first block of three diamonds. You can download the pattern for the diamonds. Here is light …

My New Book Crazy Quilting for Beginners Handy Pocket Guide is out!

I have a huge surprise for everyone — drum roll….. I have another book out! Crazy Quilting for Beginners Handy Pocket Guide: All the Basics to Get You Started is a condensed version of my other book. It’s a beginner’s guide that covers all the basics – but just the …

Hexagon Quilt block 27

As you can see I am still stitching my 2020 quilt blocks. Not sure I am going to continue calling it that as 2020 was such a pain of a year. So at the moment I am calling them my Hexagon blocks but I might just start calling them 2021 …