Work in progress

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Work in progress

crazy quilt block detail

There is always a sense of great achievement when I have another work in progress report to write. I have finished another two the Diamond quilt blocks.

Last week in the comments I was asked for a tutorial on how I do the silk ribbon roses. I had hoped to have it written by now but I have had one of those weeks but I do plan to write it in the next few days (probably over the weekend) so stay tuned …

I was also asked in an email when will I have this quilt done. Many regular readers will see that I usually manage to stitch two blocks in a week and most weeks write about it. I was aiming to have this quilt done by the end of the year but I don’t think I am going to do that. I think it will be February. Simply because Christmas sewing is going to interrupt or slow me down and then January Jerry is on leave and Eve is home.

I still have many of the light tone blocks to embroidery and embellish but I am more than two thirds through I think. I will count the blocks when I have done a few more and the pile is not so big as I don’t want to disappoint myself!

I pieced all the blocks first and then set about embroidering them and embellishing them. I plan to set them in a tumbling block pattern.

The first detail you can see in feather stitch worked in rayon ribbon floss and beaded with bugle beads and little disks that are supposed to be used as spacer beads.

This is the block it is on.

This detail is beading over some old lace which I dyed. I use procion cold water dyes.

In the same dye bath I placed this cotton lace. I followed the pattern of the lace to bead that and a line of french knots extend from each tip.

I enjoyed this block as the gold and brown tones are colours I enjoy working with.

The lace was hand dyed and once again I have used silk ribbon roses to top off a row of up and down buttonhole.

As usual click on the images and it will take you to a larger version which if you click on the magnify icon on the top right hand area of the picture section will often take you to a larger image again. I hope you enjoy the eye candy but I have to dash as guess who is running late today …

The back story

If you are interested in the back story of this quilt and seeing photos of each block as it was made browse the posts  in the Diamond block crazy quilt category

Posts on How to assemble a Crazy Quilt which include;

Online Crazy Quilting Classes:

Just a quick reminder for those who are interested in taking a class with me. You will find all my classes listed under the top tab imaginatively titled Classes online you will also find information on how online classes are run.

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