Fancy Hem Stitch tutorial

Fancy Hem Stitch is a simple quick stitch which I think people will enjoy. Crazy quilters I am sure will see immediately how useful it can be. Embroiderers will enjoy it not only in use on edgings but also work row upon row as a filling stitch. I first discovered …

Coral Stitch

Coral Stitch Coral stitch has several names, including Coral Knot; German Knot stitch; Knotted Stitch; Beaded Stitch; and Snail Trail. It is also — incorrectly — known as scroll stitch.  If you compare the two stitches, you will see that the needle is wrapped in a different manner — producing a …

How to hand Embroider a Buttonhole bar

Buttonhole bar is often used in traditional pulled and drawn needlework or in combination with needle weaving. However it is an underestimated stitch as if you use it in a freeform manner it is interesting, fun and I find it highly addictive! Buttonhole bar is also easier to sew than most people realise. …

Top Knotted Buttonhole

Top Knotted Buttonhole stitch is a variety of buttonhole stitch with a knot set at the top of each arm. Instead of working it in a straight line, you can vary the length of the arms to create patterns. You can use it as a couching stitch to hold down …

Scroll Stitch

At first glance, Scroll Stitch does not look too exciting — but it is one of those stitches where you can use different threads creates to create all sorts of interesting effects from a braid-like stitch to a line of spaced knots. You can work it on a tight curve …

Raised Cross Stitch Flower Stitch

I am always a little surprised when people are unaware of this stitch. Raised cross stitch flower is quick and easy to do and these little rose-like flowers are ideal to add to all sorts of hand embroidery projects. Here is a floral spray worked on my hussif  using Raised …

Up and Down Feathered Buttonhole Stitch

Let’s make twiggy bits! Up and Down Feathered Buttonhole stitch is ideal to use for thorny stems in floral sprays. This is a stitch I often use and I think most embroiderers and crazy quilters will particularly enjoy, as it makes marvellous twiggy bits — particularly if you treat them …