Woven Zig Zag Chain

Woven Zig-Zag Chain As the name implies, Woven Zig Zag Chain is based on zig zag chain. Follow the link to the tutorial if you need directions or just a quick refresher. Woven Zigzag chain stitch is a variety of chain stitch that creates an interesting pattern of woven stitches. You …

Zig-Zag Chain Stitch Tutorial

This stitch is called Zig-zag Chain Stitch but is also known as Vandyke chain stitch. Needless to say Zig-zag chain is a member of the Chain Stitch family. Zig-zag chain stitch is effective when worked alone or if you stack it sewn row upon row you can build up  patterns …

Raised Herringbone Band

The Raised Herringbone Band is one of those stitches you look at in a stitch dictionary but don’t get around to trying. And then when you do, you wonder why it took so long to explore! Raised Herringbone Band is built up in layers. It looks complex but in fact, …

Arrow or Arrowhead stitch

Two varieties of Arrowhead stitch are listed in various stitch books. One is a horizontal version and one is vertical. Some books call the vertical version Upright Arrow, while others simply call both versions, Arrow stitch. Some books refer to the horizontal version as Zig-Zag stitch. Both varieties are good …

Crossed Buttonhole Stitch

Crossed buttonhole stitch is an interesting variety of Buttonhole. You can create patterns and interesting borders with this stitch. How to embroider Crossed Buttonhole Stitch You need to know basic buttonhole to work this stitch, as it consists of pairs of angled buttonhole stitches that are crossed. Work between two imaginary …